Every 14 days
Daily Defense Duo (1x RBD 1x VitC 3K)
Total Bottles: 2
Daily Defense Duo is our fortified wellness bundle, tailored for those who understand the power of consistent immune support. Especially crafted for individuals who have experienced the benefits of CanXida RMV and RST, this duo serves as a strong backup for daily vitality and protection.
This package is a perfect fit for those already complementing their routine with a high-potency Vitamin C source and wish to enhance it with the robustness of CanXida Rebuild. It's also a great starting point if you're new to CanXida and aim to kickstart your wellness journey.
Daily Defense Duo is meant for a short-term reinforcement and is expected to last 1-2 months based on your dosage. Following this period, assess your well-being and decide if you wish to continue fortifying your body with this powerful combination.
When to consider Daily Defense Duo:
Inside the Daily Defense Duo:
CanXida Rebuild (RBD): Our meticulously crafted formula of 32 vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, enriched with 9 potent antimicrobial herbs.
Vitamin C-3K Plus: A powerhouse 3000mg Vitamin C powder that's enhanced with bioflavonoids for optimal absorption and effectiveness. This formulation ensures your body gets a potent dose of antioxidants and immune-supporting nutrients daily.
We recommend everyone with a gut problem to at least take RMV and RST. But if you look at how the 3 CanXida formulas work as a team you’ll understand why it’s important to consider taking all 3 at the same time. RMV as you know cleans up the gut. It gets rid of high populations of yeast, bad bacteria and parasites. All people can benefit from RMV. Even people who think they’re in amazing health feel better after taking RMV for a few weeks.
RST restores the gut using a blend of enzymes and probiotics. The probiotics colonize the gut wall and prevent the yeast from getting in there again. And the enzymes help break down food so you new beneficial bacteria have plenty to eat and grow faster. RMV gets rid of the “bad guys” and RST replaces them with the beneficial bacteria that prevents the bad guys from coming back. That’s why RST is the perfect companion product for RMV.
Not everyone needs to take RBD. RBD is a sustained release multivitamin with an anit-microbial back end. It’s designed to supply your immune system with all the nutrients necessary to hit the yeast hard. As well as block yeast and bad bacteria from gobbling up the vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat. Most people who start the CanXida program have vitamin & mineral deficiencies that slow down their recovery. Other people may have an outstanding diet and have no mineral deficiencies (one way you can tell is if you suffer from fatigue).
If you know your diet is absolutely outstanding, maybe you don’t need the multivitamin component. If you’re the type of person who eats a lot of fermented foods, a lot of sprouts, legumes, many servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day, you may not need to take RBD at all. But not everyone eats like that. If you’re just starting out on a candida diet and you’ve got a history of eating lots of packaged or processed foods, then RBD is going to help you A LOT. So the higher quality the diet is to begin with, the less likely you’ll benefit from taking RBD alongside RMV and RST.
If you’re totally new to candida cleansing and are still skeptical whether CanXida will help you, start with 1 bottle of RMV and RST. If you have chronic gut problems or you suffer from fatigue, you’ll benefit greatly by taking Rebuild as well. For the absolutely BEST results, take all 3.
CanXida has a lot of features that differentiate it from any other gut health supplement currently available. CanXida is sustained release. That means when you swallow CanXida, your digestive system doesn’t get access to everything immediately. Instead ii breaks down slowly in the gut over a period of several hours. That way you get a stronger antifungal effect for longer.
Instead of being active in your system for a short period of time, it stays active throughout the day as it passes through your entire digestive system. This also allows us to put stronger doses of herbs and concentrates into this tablet without them causing side effects or adverse reactions. That way you end up with more antifungal activity overall. You get a really high dose of everything that gets spread out throughout the day vs overwhelming you all at once.
Now, likely the supplements you were taking before were not sustained release. They weren’t put together by a team with decades of experience treating your specific health problem. They were likely put together by a company that’s got a 1000 other products and they pay lip service to making an antifungal or antibacterial formula. Or they were put together by a person who works in a lab as a supplement formulator and hasn’t seen a gut disorder patient in their entire life.
Or they just put out a caprylic acid product or an oregano product. They didn’t have all the antifungal ingredients you get in RMV. The supplements you used in the past also probably didn’t use standardized ingredients. Standardization means that each time you take this product, you’re getting a consistent therapeutic dose. It doesn’t vary in potency from batch to batch is often the case with non-standardized supplements. Its a bit like how pharmaceuticals are made.
We’re also the only candida & gut health formulators to provide extensive free education materials to our customers. Just look at the +2,000 videos on our YouTube channel. The way you find good supplements is by asking where did the company get the raw materials? What kind of research has gone into the product? What country did the ingredients come from? Was the product formulated by a person who’s an expert on it? Has it been tested and proven to work for your specific problem? Do they provide extensive education about dosage or the best way to use that product?
If you put a tablet of RMV in your mouth and swallow it quickly (what we recommend) you shouldn’t taste anything in particular other than a very mild herbal taste. If you attempt to suck on or chew the tablet, eventually you will get a garlic taste as the tablet starts to break down.
This taste is actually one of the complaints we get from customers who don’t like the taste of garlic. But there’s not much we can do to get rid of it since CanXida is a compressed tablet made of herbs, extracts and oils. We like to say the taste is how you know you’re getting the real stuff and encourage people who dislike the taste of garlic to just swallow the tablet quickly without it lingering in the mouth.
There’s no reason to keep in your mouth or chew on it unless you have a severe case of oral candida and you want CanXida to have a bigger effect there. Aged garlic extract is well tolerated even by people who are sensitive to raw garlic. So there’s no reason to avoid it. It won’t make you smell like garlic or give you garlic breath, don’t worry.
If you’re seeing a naturopath and they tell you not to take CanXida, it usually means they have their own protocol they want you to go on. This doesn’t mean their protocol is necessarily going to be less effective. We don’t claim CanXida is the only high quality supplement brand out there for gut health.
We’ve got no issues with folks taking another product. It’s totally up to you. We recommend the CanXida protocol because we know it has a very high success rate when you stick to it. We also created a huge library of videos, ebooks and resources to help people get the best outcome possible while taking CanXida.
When you take someone else’s formula or when someone recommends another product, ask yourself… What is this person recommending apart from that product? Are they giving you the basic standard diet sheet they give everyone else with some foods circled in green and others crossed out in red? Do they say “eat these foods!” and then rush you out the door? Are they tailoring the protocol to suit you or teaching you how to make adjustments so you can tailor it to your needs and symptoms?
Do they use a “cookie cutter” protocol meaning everyone who walks in through their door gets the same exact advice and treatment plan? These are just a few of the things to consider before deciding who to listen to.
CanXida is not meant to be taken indefinitely. It’s meant to make you feel well again so you can stop taking it. There is a maintenance phase where we recommend taking CanXida for a period of time after your symptoms are gone, which is what the rest of this answer is about.
Whether you should continue taking CanXida for “maintenance” purposes after you’ve cleaned up your gut depends on a few things. If you’ve only been sick a short time, say 1 to 6 months, you may only need to stay on one or two doses of CanXida a day. This can be just RMV, RMV plus RST or one tablet of each of the 3 formulas.
We designed CanXida RBD in particular with maintenance in mind. It’s a great supplement to use long term after you’ve recovered to help “pick up the slack” and fix some of the mistakes you may be making with your diet during this period.
Taking CanXida for a maintenance period after you’ve recovered will ensure you “close the door” on your symptoms and prevent them from coming back. If you’ve had candida or a gut problem for a long time like 5, 10 or even 20 years, and you get rid of it within a few months, you want to stay on one tablet a day for at least 12 months. This is particularly recommended if your symptoms were severe.
Again, you don’t have to take all 3 of the formulas during this time. You can just take 1 tablet of RMV per day if you like. Usually we recommend at least 1 RMV + 1 RST for people who had a severe gut problem. But you can choose whatever feels best to you. And this will ensure your symptoms don’t return (assuming you don’t do something naughty like go on an all junk food diet or start drinking 6 cans of beer every day).
The longer you’ve been sick for, the longer the follow-up treatment is. The shorter you’ve been unwell, the shorter the follow up.
CanXida products do not contain pork or alcohol.
We created our products using formulas grounded in well-researched ingredients, and clinical experience. You can read our technical whitepapers to learn more about our products.
It's recommended that you follow protocol given by your healthcare professional. For more in-depth usage and dosage refer to the user guide for CanXida Remove, CanXida Restore and CanXida Rebuild on our resource page.
Conditions other than candida overgrowth that CanXida may help with include SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth), inflammatory bowel disease, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), constipation, diarrhea, skin problems like eczema, leaky gut, severe gas and bloating, sugar cravings, parasite infections like blastocystis, UTI’s (urinary tract infections), autoimmune diseases, food sensitivities and more.
Whether you’ve got a chronic or mild problem in the gut, CanXida is going to help. The reason CanXida is good for so many issues is because of the ingredients. All the ingredients in CanXida RMV for example were hand picked to have a broad band of action. We choose natural ingredients that not only get rid of all common species of candida but also other yeasts, bad bacteria and parasites.
Remember, candida is almost never alone. You can prove that for yourself if you ever look at a stool test of someone with a moderate or severe gut disorder. There’s almost always some other yeast or bacteria in the mix. CanXida helps with all these conditions because all of them are associated with having a sick or imbalanced gut microbiota in some way.
It’s impossible to know in advance exactly how long it’ll take for your gut to recover and thus exactly how many bottles you’ll end up going through. Many people get rid of their gut problems using CanXida within 3 to 6 months. The more severe cases can take 9 months or longer. So what we recommend is this: if you’re totally new to candida or gut cleansing, go with either 1 bottle of RMV, the Starter Package (1x RMV + 1x RST) or the Combo CanXida Deal (1x RMV + 1x RST + 1x RBD).
Give them a test drive, read the CanXida User Guide, see how you feel in your first month, and then decide on a treatment duration you want to go for. If you already have experience with candida or gut cleaning, go with a larger bundle instead such as the Best Value Package (2x RMV + 2x RST) or the Eradication Canxida Kit (2x RMV + 2x RST + 2x RBD). That way you’ll have extra bottles ready to go once you start your 2nd and 3rd month of the CanXida protocol without having to order more.
For a more detailed explanation to why we recommend taking at least RMV + RST for most people with gut issues, see the FAQ question titled: How do I know which CanXida formula is right for me?
Each person is different so refer to the CanXida User Guide for a detailed answer about exactly how many tablets of each supplement you should take depending on the severity of your symptoms. You can see a PDF version of the guide by clicking the following link (we’ll also offer to give you a free print booklet version of it during the checkout process): https://candida.yeastinfection.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/customer-files/canxida-user-guide.pdf
Our standard recommendation is to start with one CanXida Remove tablet per day with the main meal. Also, take one CanXida Restore at breakfast or bedtime. Add in one tablet of CanXida Rebuild, but don’t take it with any other the other CanXida products.
Follow that protocol for about a week and then increase to two doses each of Remove and Restore and keep Rebuild at one daily dose. If your symptoms are relatively mild, stick with that plan for the remaining weeks
Don’t make your dosages too high. It’s better to take it slow and we tend to do a shorter treatment with a high dosage in people who have one or two very strong symptoms, and they’re looking for a breakthrough. Sometimes we do ridiculously high dosages with people for very specific reasons. Other times, we recommend a very long, slow road – break a tablet in half and maybe go for six months.
When you’re taking CanXida, make sure your diet is impeccable. Monitor your bowel movements, digestive comfort, your bloating, and any other sites of infection. Tweak your doses as required.
Please note your healthcare professional might suggest a different approach. If you are confused and not sure where to start then start as recommended 1 tablet/capsule a day. If you have still got questions then please contact us.
To ensure CanXida is absorbed properly by the body, always take it with food. That’s when digestion occurs. It’s when your body is secreting enzymes and acids. We’ve found most people get a better result when they take CanXida with food vs away from food. This goes for all 3 CanXida formulas.
If you want to take CanXida and don’t plan on eating a meal, at least take it with a snack. This can be an avocado or a can of sardines. Just be sure you take it with food. Don’t take CanXida with nothing but juice, even vegetable juice. The best foods to take with CanXida are those high in protein. It doesn’t have to be animal protein. It can be beans with quinoa or tempeh. Protein makes your stomach produce more acids and enzymes and that makes CanXida work even better.
Always start with a low dose if this is your first time taking a CanXida formula. Such as 1 tablet a day or even half a tablet if you have a history of reacting to supplements. Then slowly over the course of a few days or weeks build it up to a higher dose. You then stick to that dose for several weeks before taking a break, going back to a lower dose, and then repeating the cycle.
For more specific and detailed dosage instructions, check our YouTube channel or see the CanXida User Guide. You can access a PDF version of it by clicking the link below (we also offer a free print booklet version of this guide after you purchase CanXida): https://candida.yeastinfection.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/customer-files/canxida-user-guide.pdf
You may think being on CanXida for several months is going to be expensive but CanXida is cost effective because you can stop buying all the other gut health supplements you’re taking. Think about it. How much have you already spent on supplements to get your health back? $100? $500? $1000 or more? CanXida also saves you money because you get 12 potent antifungal, antibacterial and anti-parasite ingredients all in one tablet.
You don’t have to go and buy a bottle of just grapefruit seed extract and then another of aged garlic extract, or berberine or the 9 potent antifungals we’ve put into CanXida RMV. This saves you money in the long run because you end up buying less stuff overall. It also takes the stress & worry out of whether you’re taking the right dosage of everything or if you bought a good brand of each thing.
The answer is yes. But it’s hard. REAL HARD. And we can tell you right now – it DOESN’T HAPPEN in the vast majority of cases. Some doctors and naturopaths say you need to get your antifungals naturally from whole foods and not rely on supplements. But in fact that’s what our team used to tell people to do. Folks would go to health food stores. They would buy organic foods. And it didn’t work.
People would buy a little of caprylic acid, or a bottle of betaine or a bottle of grapefruit seed extract. They had to buy one ingredient at a time because nobody had ever put a product together like CanXida that contained all of them. There wasn’t a formula that was able to target yeast, bad bacteria and parasites all the same time. People just got overwhelmed with the amount of supplements they had to take each day.
Listen: You may be able to lower your amount of candida using just diet alone but to truly clean up the gut you need high doses of “powerful agents” over and above the diet. Things like standardized allicin from aged garlic extract, eugenol (which comes from black walnut hull extract), biotin and more. You’d have to go on a hardcore diet to adequate doses of all these from food. So hardcore you’d irritate your digestive system so much you’d throw your beneficial bacteria off balance and start to get problems.
Diet alone doesn’t work for most people. We’ve seen people eat the most amazing anti-candida diets. Stuff like ten cloves of garlic plus big chunks of ginger and tablespoons of turmeric powder each day. Yet when they did a stool test they still had problems. That’s why if you’ve got severe candida, you won’t get rid of it with diet alone or with supplements or lifestyle alone. You need all 3 of these things if you want long lasting recovery.
We challenge you to go out & make a product like CanXida and sell it for a lower cost using the same quality of raw ingredients. You’ll end up with a cheaper product and you’ll get cheap results. And then you’ll see people talk about it on the internet and tell everyone how bad your product is. We don’t want cheap results. We source the best possible raw materials.
As we like to say, CanXida is not cheap but great health is not cheap either. And believe us, the price is long forgotten when your health returns and your quality of life improves. Remember, this isn’t a product you have to take for the rest of your life. Just a daily dose for 3 months is all you may need to get your gut functioning again the way it used to.
CanXida has a lot of features you won’t find in cheap supplements. We use standardized ingredients. Standardization means that each time you take CanXida, you’re getting a consistent therapeutic dose. Each herb, plant extract and oil we use has a verified & controlled amount of active ingredients. It’s not random and doesn’t vary in potency from bottle to bottle as is often the case with non-standardized supplements.
CanXida RMV and RBD are sustained release. That lets us pack really high doses of everything into each tablet and have it break down slowly over time as it passes through your digestive system. That way your gut doesn’t get irritated because of how much antifungal activity each tablet contains. This also lets us target all parts of the digestive system including the mouth, stomach, intestine and colon.
CanXida RST uses a time release capsule that only opens up in the small intestine. That way no good bacteria is lost due to stomach acid. Most people can’t be bothered by these things or don’t care. They just go on Amazon or the supermarket and look for a cheap $10 product. And then they wonder why nothing they try works.
We sourced the best possible raw materials from the top manufacturers in the world for our CanXida formulas. We know the suppliers where each raw material comes from. We know how it’s grown. We have lab test results from each batch to make sure they have the right amount of active ingredients.
Each raw ingredient goes through a strongest process involving lab work to make sure the correct herb was sent, that it contains no contaminants, or bad microbes, that there are no heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins, GMO’s and more.
We made sure everyone involved in the production of CanXida meets GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) standards. GMP ensures that each bottle is produced consistently & that all stages of the process are controlled according to the highest quality standards. The facility that puts the raw ingredients together into tablet form is a FDA certified facility located in New York, USA.
As you can imagine all this is very expensive. Yet we do it because we want to ensure our customers get the most effective product possible. That’s why CanXida has a reputation online for getting you results when every other product or treatment in the past failed you.
If you have any questions that we can help with, please write back to us, and we will do our best to assist you. When sending an email, please describe your symptoms and try to include as much information about your health as possible in a concise way. Please mention any allergies or food sensitivities you have and make a note of any medications you are using for your specific complaints, as well as any other medical conditions, to provide a comprehensive picture of your health issues. While our in-house experts are always there to help you, we suggest finding a local naturopath or nutritionist to discuss your case.
The timeframe for recovery from candidiasis varies depending on the severity of the infection, the extent of symptoms, and the duration of the condition. If you have a systemic candida infection, recovery may take several months to a year. However, if you have local candida symptoms like oral thrush, vaginal symptoms, or skin infections, you may see improvement within 6 to 8 weeks. Continuing to use the supplements after symptoms have resolved can strengthen your immunity and reduce the risk of future infections.
In case you notice any symptoms are becoming worse, you might have to lower the dose or stop using the supplement for a while. It should be noted that the body of every person reacts to the compounds in the supplements in a different way. Also, the results can vary among different people depending on the severity of their symptoms and the duration of their illness. Your general health and coexisting morbidities can also play a role in determining your response to CanXida supplements.
This means, if your symptoms are long-standing or recurring in nature, which implies that the condition is deep-rooted, you might need to use CanXida supplements for a longer duration before you can notice any positive effects.
Similarly, if your symptoms have been moderate to severe and have affected the most vital functions of your body such as your immunity, heart functions, hormonal balance, and gut microbiota, the supplements would take a longer time to restore the efficient functioning of these mechanisms. As a result, it might take a longer time to be able to notice the expected results.
It is important to mention that CanXida supplements are formulated keeping in mind the body's natural disease-fighting potential. Hence, exercising patience is highly recommended, especially if your disease has been severe and long-standing.
These supplements contain a good combination of several nutrients that will help improve the functions of your vital organs. With regular use, you will surely notice a steady improvement in your symptoms and your overall health. These supplements will also improve the absorption of nutrients in your body and also help with poor gut flora, weak immunity, and bowel movements.
Here are some strategies you can adopt to avoid any adverse effects and speed up your recovery:
The adequate supply of nutrients to the body is one of the vital aspects of maintaining good health. And this vital aspect is provided by CanXida supplements in a comprehensive manner. You can choose CanXida RMV, RBD, or RST, or a combination of these supplements depending on your specific symptoms and health issues.
For example, if you are having recurring bacterial viral, parasitic, or fungal infections such as candida, you can start the treatment with CanXida RMV to promote the elimination of pathogenic overload from your body and clear your system completely. You may additionally use CanXida RBD and RST if the vital organs of your body are not working as efficiently as they should.
CanXida RST will provide the essential nutrients needed to boost the gut microbiota and improve the functions of your immune system thus protecting you against the impact of physiological dysfunctions.
The use of CanXida RBD and RST is also recommended if you suffer from any digestive issues such as constipation, indigestion, heaviness, and bloating. CanXida RBD and RST are also effective in fighting chronic gastrointestinal conditions such as gastritis, H. pylori infection, irritable bowel syndrome, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), or leaky gut. The use of CanXida RMV in combination with RBD and RST will help restore the natural functions of the gut while fighting the common causes of these gastrointestinal conditions such as inflammation, metabolic dysfunctions, hormonal disturbances, weak immunity, and poor gut flora.
Before you purchase CanXida supplements, please have a look at the common indications to understand how you will benefit from using them:
The use of CanXida supplements is specifically recommended for the management of conditions linked to immunological and digestive dysfunctions. The abnormal activities of the immune cells can reduce the body's ability to fight infections as a result of which you may develop recurring episodes of fungal, bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections. Candida infection is one of the most common infections that can occur due to a weak community. If you are suffering from recurrent infections which take longer to heal or do not heal completely, using CanXida supplements will help to improve your recovery.
Similarly, inflammation is another consequence of immunological dysfunction. Although inflammation is one of the body's defence mechanisms, it can trigger the development of diseases, when it is left uncontrolled. Hence, if you are suffering from any condition linked to inflammation, you will definitely be able to notice an improvement in your symptoms over a period of time when you start using CanXida supplements.
You can also use CanXida supplements for managing digestive imbalances. These supplements will surely help you manage your symptoms by regulating your gastric, hepatic, and intestinal functions and improving the absorption of nutrients from the gut. CanXida supplements also contain probiotics that will enrich your gut flora and restore normal gastrointestinal functions by promoting the secretion of digestive enzymes. These supplements can regulate the response of the immune system and help manage the underlying cause, which could be poor liver functions, local and systemic, candidiasis, SIBO, irritable bowel syndrome, or leaky gut.
However, these supplements may not be effective if you have any structural abnormalities as the root cause of your symptoms. the supplements are purely intended to support our bodies in disease-fighting potential by promoting normal physiological processes. hence if you are experiencing any symptoms due to any structural abnormalities in the organs or tissues these supplements may not be effective.
No cases of serious side effects or allergic reactions have been reported following the use of CanXida products. We’ve also taken steps to minimize or eliminate candida “die-off” reactions for the majority of people. As you’ve likely heard, when yeast, bad bacteria and parasites die they release toxins. They then get into the bloodstream & can cause issues like insomnia, brain fog, achy muscles, sore joints and tiredness.
This is especially prevalent in people with kidney or liver toxicity or whose kidneys & livers are congested. This can be caused by a variety of things such as too much alcohol, sugar, pharmaceutical medications, high stress lifestyles, etc. One of the ways you prevent these “die-off” reactions is by taking a sustain release supplement such as CanXida RMV and RBD.
These supplements break down slowly as they pass through your digestive system vs immediately when you swallow them. This allows the antifungal activity to be spread out over hours so that yeast and bad bacteria get eliminated slowly throughout the day vs in a short period of time immediately after you take the supplement. That way your liver & immune system doesn’t get overburdened & has an easier time cleaning up these toxins before they can cause issues.
Another way to minimize or eliminate “die-off” reactions is by doing what we call a “Big Cleanup” before starting a candida cleanse. You can learn more about this on our YouTube channel and in several of our ebooks. The big cleanup is a 14 day period where you slowly prepare for a gut cleanse by doing things like cutting back on alcohol, caffeine, getting more sleep, removing junk food & soda out of your diet, etc.
Assuming you follow this advice & take a sustained release formula like RMV, you should be able to get your gut working normally again with minimum or no “die-off” like symptoms, side effects or aggravations.
The best time to take CanXida RMV, RBD, and RST is with food. It is always good to take these supplements after meals. This is especially important if you suffer from weak digestion.
There are many people who do take these supplements on an empty stomach and are able to get good results without any side effects. However, we strongly recommend using your CanXida supplements after food only so that you can get the best results.
This is specifically true if you are using the product for the first time. In some cases, when the patient is using CanXida RMV, RBD, or RST for the first time, taking the doses on an empty stomach could cause bloating and a sense of queasiness. This is why; it is best to start using the supplements after food only.
When you eat food, your stomach becomes active, and it starts breaking down the foods to facilitate its absorption into the blood. Hence, it makes sense to take your supplement after eating food so that the compounds present in them can be absorbed into the blood more efficiently. It is important to note that the CanXida RMV tablets are made with the slow-release agents that break the tablets slowly. Hence, taking the doses after food would further support the slow release of nutrients from the tablets, allowing you to get better results.
When you start using CanXida RMV, RBD, or RST, begin by taking the doses after breakfast or lunch in a low dose, and then, increase the dose gradually over a period of time. After a few days, you can increase the dose to 3 times a day after your breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Taking the doses after dinner should be a part of your treatment plan after a few days as it can allow sufficient time to the body to adequately adjust to the cleansing and detoxifying effects of the compounds in them. This will allow you to avoid disturbance in sleep due to the possible side effects such as heaviness and bloating, which are likely to occur during the initial few days.
When it is mentioned that the supplements have to be taken after food, it specifically means after eating only healthy foods comprising of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, green tea, or healthy fats. It is advisable to avoid eating a very heavy meal or foods comprising unhealthy fats as it might contribute to bloating and queasiness.
The time needed to recover completely from candidiasis depends on the severity of the infections, the extent of the symptoms, and the duration of your complaints.
If you are suffering from a systemic candida infection, it means you have a weak or compromised immune system. In such cases, a complete recovery will take several weeks to even months.
It should be noted that CanXida supplements are formulated to strengthen the immune system primarily by improving the gut flora.
CanXida RST is a unique and highly effective candida yeast-cleansing supplement that has been formulated after almost three decades of naturopathic gastroenterology experience. It contains 7 enzymes, 18 billion CFU, and 6 probiotic strains. The probiotics in CanXida RST are aimed at supporting the body’s needs for fighting candida yeast overgrowth, while also reducing the risk of leaky gut, SIBO, as well as other digestive complaints like bloating, indigestion, and inflammatory bowel diseases*. It contains healthy strains of lactobacilli that support the metabolic activities involved in the breakdown, absorption, and assimilation of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats as well as other essential nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
This means since the use of CanXida RST is aimed at tackling the root cause of systemic candidiasis, it will take a longer time to notice an improvement and eliminate infection completely especially if you suffer from systemic Candidiasis. However, once you start noticing an improvement, you will be able to make steady progress toward recovery.
Also, if you are having local signs of candida such as oral thrush, vaginal symptoms, or skin infections, you would start seeing an improvement within just a few weeks of using CanXida RMV. The combined use of CanXida RMV, RBD, and RST would help you clear the infection within 6 to 8 weeks.
You may continue using the supplements even after the symptoms have completely resolved to strengthen your immunity and reduce your risk of infection in the future.
Similarly, if you are symptoms are long-lasting and have affected multiple organs and tissues, the time needed for complete recovery might be prolonged. But once you start noticing the results, you can be assured to be on the path of recovery and soon achieve complete elimination of the fungal overload from your body. You may continue using the supplements even after complete recovery to avoid the recurrence of the complaints.
If you are working with the naturopath or nutritionist, you can inform them about the other medications and supplements you are using including CanXida RMV, RBD, and RST so that he or she can suggest appropriate additional supplements you would need in order to get comprehensive solutions to your health problems.
Although CanXida supplements are designed to provide a wide range of nutrients by improving your gut flora and strengthening your immunity, you might need some additional nutritional support depending on your specific symptoms and diagnosis.
In some cases, additional nutritional support is also needed keeping in mind the age and gender of the person. For example, women above 45 years of age usually need calcium supplements to reduce the risk of osteoporosis, which occurs due to the decline in the bone mineral density as a result of hormonal imbalances occurring during menopause.
Similarly, some patients need plant-based compounds that can mimic the actions of the hormones produced in the body to manage their specific health issues such as severe depression.
Hence, it is advisable to share the list of all the medications and supplements you are using with your physician, nutritionist, naturopath, or dietitian so that appropriate additional medications or supplements can be recommended to help you derive the best results.
When you make a decision to buy a CanXida supplements, you can be assured of the best possible results. The supplements have been formulated based on years of research.
Also, the combination of ingredients used in CanXida formulas have been tested in different ratios to provide you with the best possible combination.
There is no compromise ever made in the research, development, manufacturing, and delivery of these supplements in order to ensure the maximum possible effectiveness and safety of these supplements. This is what sets apart CanXida supplements from most other supplements that you might be able to get at a lower cost.
We understand the implications of compromising the quality of ingredients based on how it can reduce the effectiveness of the product while also increasing the risk of side effects.
This is why; the team of researchers and medical professionals involved in the CanXida formulations put in a continuous effort to ensure that the supplements delivered to you possess the best-quality nutrients obtained from the most reliable sources.
It is basically the reflection of our emphasis on quality, safety, purity, and effectiveness.
In some cases, it is possible to experience a few negative side effects after using supplements. Some common side effects include skin rashes, itching, abdominal pain, nausea, and constipation. Such a reaction can occur when you start using any new product. These side effects usually occur in people who have an allergy to any ingredient in the medication or supplement, which is why it is not well tolerated by them. It should be noted that the body of every person reacts to supplements in a different way depending on several factors including immunological functions, allergy profile, food sensitivities, and food intolerances. If you notice any side effects after using a CanXida supplements, you can check the ingredient list to look for any possible compounds to which you might have a history of allergy.
It should be noted that instances of side effects are extremely rare. Also, not all cases of adverse side effects are due to allergies. Some of these symptoms are just temporary and tend to resolve spontaneously over a period of time. This can happen when your body is taking time to adjust to the cleansing process and reacting in a severe way due to the release of toxins. Another cause of adverse effects is the exposure to some irritants while using CanXida supplements. As a result, the body may react to the irritants causing inflammation and other symptoms even before the supplements could get some time to show favourable effects. If such side effects occur, it is advisable to look for any possible irritants or triggers in the environment. It can be any new soap or detergent you were using, a change of weather, exposure to paint, or anything else the body might have come in contact with.
Stress is another common cause of these adverse effects, especially those linked to the skin and digestion. You can maintain a diary and keep a note of the foods you eat, weather changes, and any other modifications in your routine, and then compare that with your symptoms to identify the possible triggers. Regarding CanXida supplements, these supplements are safe and effective for promoting detoxification. CanXida supplements strengthen immunity, improve gut flora, and enhance the body's ability to fight toxins and immunological conditions. If you are having any negative side effects or flare-ups, you can wait for a few days until your symptoms have subsided and then restart the supplements with a lower dose or frequency. Then, watch out for any flare-ups. You can stop using it if the symptoms become worse even after using it in a lower dose. Or else, increase the dose gradually to reach an optimum dosage to derive the best results without any side effects.
To our knowledge, there have been no reported delivery issues except for occasional changes in delivery dates by UPS. Overall, our deliveries have been reliable and free of problems.
Yes, we offer various payment and pricing options to make our products more affordable. Customers who sign up for our newsletter can receive special discount codes. Additionally, customers can contact us directly, and we will do our best to accommodate their needs and find a pricing or payment option that works for them.
We take product quality and freshness very seriously, and we can assure you that we never ship expired products. In fact, we typically sell all of our inventory at least a year before its expiration date. Additionally, to ensure the freshness and quality of our products, we have a strict policy of getting rid of any inventory that is nearing expiration at least 2-3 months before the expiry date. This means that any product you receive from us will be well within its shelf life and will meet our high standards for quality and freshness.
It is always good to take CanXida RMV, RBD, and RST with food. This is especially important if you suffer from weak digestion.
When you eat food, your stomach becomes active, and it starts breaking down the food to facilitate its absorption into the blood. Hence, it makes sense to take your supplement after eating food so that the compounds present in them can be absorbed into the blood more efficiently. It is important to note that the CanXida RMV tablets are made with slow-release agents that break the tablets slowly. Hence, taking the doses after food would further support the slow release of nutrients from the tablets, allowing you to get better results.
When you start using CanXida RMV, RBD, or RST, begin by taking the doses after breakfast or lunch in a low dose, and then, increase the dose gradually over a period of time. After a few days, you can increase the dose to 3 times a day after your breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Taking the doses after dinner should be a part of your treatment plan after a few days as it can allow sufficient time for the body to adequately adjust to the cleansing and detoxifying effects of the compounds in them. This will allow you to avoid disturbance in sleep due to the possible side effects such as heaviness and bloating, which are likely to occur during the initial few days.
When it is mentioned that the supplements have to be taken after food, it specifically means after eating only healthy foods comprising of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, green tea, or healthy fats. It is advisable to avoid eating a very heavy meal or foods comprising unhealthy fats as it might contribute to bloating and queasiness.
Additionally, it is advisable to reduce your intake of refined sugars while using CanXida supplements so that you can data faster results this is important because refined sugar contributes to the growth of fungi and bacteria and slow down your recovery.
If you suffer from any other conditions or are using any medication, you can still continue using your CanXida supplements without the risk of developing any severe side effects or complications. It should be noted that CanXida supplements are formulated keeping in mind the body's physiological functions. These supplements specifically work by promoting immunity, improving digestion, boosting the gut microbiota, and enhancing the body's natural disease-fighting potential*. These benefits are derived by providing the essential nutrients needed by the body.
The compounds or ingredients present in CanXida supplements do not directly interfere with normal bodily functions. Hence, there are also no major safety concerns related to drug interactions when using CanXida RMV, RBD, and RST.
If you are concerned about any drug interactions, you can start using CanXida supplements in a lower dose and increase the dose gradually over a period of time to assess the impact of the combination of supplements and medications on your health. It is also good to monitor your health conditions and visit your primary care physician or specialist on a regular basis. It is also advisable to undergo regular tests for assessing the prognosis of the treatments you are taking.
Also, although CanXida supplements are not associated with any major safety concerns related to drug interactions, it is still advisable to speak to your healthcare provider and share the list of all the medications and supplements you are using so that appropriate changes in the dosages can be recommended to help you get better results.
If you suffer from rectocele and cystocele, it is advisable to follow the appropriate dietary and lifestyle modifications in addition to using CanXida supplements to be able to get the best results in a shorter duration.
Here are some strategies recommended for faster recovery from rectocele and cystocele:
These strategies often work well to reduce or at least relieve the mild symptoms of rectocele and cystocele. However, advanced cases of rectocele and cystocele with moderate to severe symptoms are often irreversible and can be treated only with surgery.
Finally, it is important to remember that rectocele and cystocele can be reversed to some extent if these conditions are diagnosed at an early stage. The improvement in your symptoms depends on the severity and duration of the condition. Mild symptoms can often be improved with bowel training and simple pelvic floor exercises. Hence, it is important to seek timely medical intervention in case you notice any symptoms of rectocele and cystocele such as a sensation of a mass protruding from the rectum or heaviness in the lower abdomen.
The symptoms of bacterial infections depend on the specific microorganisms involved and the organs or systems affected due to them.
The time period between the exposure of the person to the infectious organisms and the development of these symptoms varies depending on the specific microorganisms. In most cases of bacterial infections, the symptoms begin to develop within a few days of exposure, although sometimes, it may take nearly 2 to 6 months for any signs to become noticeable. Generally, the symptoms of respiratory and digestive infections are evident within just a few days.
If you suffer from systemic candida overgrowth, the regular use of CanXida supplements will surely help to eliminate the infection completely and avoid its recurrence in the future.
Here are some strategies that will help you derive better results from your CanXida supplements.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus known to cause several different forms of cancers. It is possible to avoid the risk of cancer associated with HPV by getting yourself vaccinated at the age of 11 to 12 years. A strong relationship has been noticed between the risk of HPV and the candida infection.
It has been found that people who have compromised immune systems are more likely to develop both these infections. This means if you are suffering from any immunological disorder or if you are using any medications that can suppress your immune system such as steroids and antibiotics on a frequent basis, your chances of developing both HPV and candida can increase substantially.
Also, patients who have candida are more likely to develop HPV due to the impact of this infection on the secretions in the vagina in women. Candida infection can alter the composition of the mucous secretions in the vagina due to which the ability of the body to fight the sexually transmitted infections can reduce.
The link between candida and HPV is also associated with common risk factors such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, weak gut flora, poor immunity, and the tendency for unprotected sex. Hence, the precautionary measures for avoiding both these infections are similar.
HPV can spread from an infected person to a healthy person usually through unprotected sexual contact. It is more commonly spread during anal and vaginal sex. It can also spread through close skin-to-skin contact during sex. Also, the signs of HPV infection usually do not become evident for several weeks to months after the exposure. This marks the importance of using appropriate protection during sex to avoid the risk of the spread of this infection from an infected individual to a healthy person.
It is common for patients to experience loose stool after eating raw garlic, especially if they have any digestive infections such as blasto. Blasto is known to affect the process of digestion due to which the absorption of nutrients in the foods we eat is reduced.
Also, blasto can cause damage to the delicate lining of the intestine because of which there can be an irritation of the intestinal lining when you consume foods such as raw garlic or onion.
The strong smell and taste of garlic are because of the presence of allicin and alliin in it. It is these compounds to which the powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties of garlic are attributed. However, these compounds can also cause irritation of the intestinal lining due to which you might experience loose stool and mild abdominal discomfort, especially if you are already struggling with weak digestion and intestinal damage due to blasto.
Garlic can offer several other benefits. It can produce a powerful antibacterial and antifungal effect thus supporting the elimination of harmful pathogens from your body. Garlic can also improve digestion, reduce cholesterol, prevent cancer, and also protect you against heart diseases. These benefits of eating raw garlic need to be weighed against the possible side effects for determining whether you can continue consuming it.
If you are experiencing loose motions or any other side effects after eating raw garlic, you may still include it in your cooking so that the irritating effect of allicin and alliin on the gut lining can be minimized. This will help you derive the benefits of garlic and speed up your recovery from blasto.
Detoxification is the body’s natural mechanism aimed at promoting the elimination of toxins that enter the body through the air we breathe, the food we eat, as well as the by-products of metabolism released in the body during the breakdown and assimilation of food. It is possible to promote this natural detoxification mechanism by adopting some healthy dietary and lifestyle practices as discussed below.
Heavy metal toxicity has been proven to be a major threat to our health. It poses several health risks by creating a toxic effect on vital organs such as the brain, heart, muscles, bones, gut, and so on.
Though heavy metals do not perform any biological role in the body's functioning, they tend to remain in the tissues in some or the other forms causing harm.
Heavy metals like mercury, lead, copper, cadmium, and aluminum enter our body through various sources such as foods, the air we breathe, medications, the substances our skin comes in contact with like cosmetics, and so on.
These metals have a high affinity for body tissues that are high in fats such as the brain, bone marrow, and nerves.
These organs bear the greatest burden of metal toxicity. This can make you prone to develop various disorders by causing inflammation, faster degeneration, and damage due to oxidative stress.
Here are some reasons that point to the importance of going for heavy metal detox.
These are some reasons why there is a need to address heavy metal toxicity primarily with regard to how it affects the functions of the bone marrow, brain, nerves, and other vital organs.
Here are the most common signs of nutritional deficiencies:
One of the best ways to protect yourself against heavy metal toxicity is to minimize your exposure to the same. It is also important to promote faster clearance of heavy metals from your body to prevent their accumulation in the healthy tissues.
Ensuring your body receives an adequate amount of essential nutrients through diet or supplements would protect you against the risk of diseases caused due to metal toxicity. Nutrients that support immunity such as vitamin C, natural antioxidants like glutathione, and neuroprotective elements like B vitamins play a key role in this regard.
All of our supplements are made from high-quality ingredients.
Yes, our supplement comes with a clear and detailed set of instructions for use. Additionally, we provide a comprehensive user guide for CanXida, along with educational videos on our channel. If you need further assistance, our customer support team is also available to help you.
It depends on individual circumstances such as lifestyle, diet, and the specific supplement in question. Some individuals may require long-term use for optimal results. It's best to consult with your healthcare professional.
Yes, our supplements are produced in a facility that follows good manufacturing practices. Our facility is FDA registered and adheres to strict GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) guidelines to ensure the quality and safety of our products. We take great care in the manufacturing and production process to provide our customers with high-quality supplements they can trust.
At the moment, we do not currently offer subscription options for our supplement. However, we are constantly reviewing and updating our offerings to better serve our customers, and we may introduce subscription options in the near future. Stay tuned for updates on our website or through our customer support team.
Yes, you can take CanXida supplements while you are on a vegan diet. A vegan diet basically involves avoiding foods, which are derived from animal sources. So, you are likely to develop the deficiency of several nutrients, which are primarily obtained from animal-based foods. Some common nutrients that people following a vegan diet are often deprived of include omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, and proteins.
Also, yogurt which is the most common source of probiotics is often missing in a vegan diet as it is derived from milk, an animal-based product. Similarly, fish is considered the best source of omega-3 fatty acids. People who follow a vegan diet are often deficient in omega-3 fatty acids due to the absence of sources of healthy fats in their diet.
This marks the importance of filling in the gaps in your nutritional intake by using CanXida supplements. CanXida supplements are enriched with a wide range of healthy bacteria, which can improve your gut flora and protect you from conditions linked to weak immunity, inflammation, and poor digestion which can occur as a result of a vegan diet.
Similarly, these supplements can also provide healthy fats thereby protecting you against a number of diseases that can occur due to the deficiency of probiotics and omega-3 fatty acids. The use of CanXida supplements would ensure your body receives the essential nutrients thereby improving the optimum functioning of all the organs and systems without the need to compromise on your vegan lifestyle.
Yes, it is safe to use CanXida supplements when you are on a South Beach Diet, especially during the first phase of this diet.
The South Beach Diet is a form of a commercial weight-loss diet that was created by cardiologist Arthur Agatston in 2003. The primary focus of this diet is eating lean protein from seafood, lean beef, skinless poultry, and soy products. It also recommends increasing your intake of low-fat dairy, high-fiber vegetables, and foods having healthy, unsaturated fats, such as avocados, seeds, and nuts.
However, the first phase of this diet plan is highly limited in terms of the food choices you are allowed to make. It also requires you to exclude almost all carbohydrates from your meals, including rice, pasta, and fruits. During the first phase, you are allowed to eat only high-fiber vegetables, lean sources of protein, nuts, legumes, low-fat dairy items such as certain cheeses, and unsaturated oils such as olive oil.
These dietary choices can deprive you of some essential vitamins and minerals that are primarily derived from fresh fruits. Fruits are considered the best sources of several essential vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, iron, zinc, and calcium. The first phase of this diet does not allow the intake of fresh fruits due to which you may develop a deficiency of these nutrients.
Hence, it is advisable to fill in the gaps in your nutritional intake by using CanXida supplements if you are following a South Beach Diet so that you do not develop any signs of deficiencies. You may continue to use the supplements even during the later phase of this diet to improve your body's overall nutritional status.
Yes, you can safely include CanXida supplements in your Zone Diet plan. The Zone Diet instructs you to stick to eating a particular ratio of macronutrients. It recommends eating meals that have 40% carbs, and 30% each of protein and fat.
The carbohydrates that you choose should have a low glycemic index. This means they should provide a slow release of glucose into the blood in order to keep you feeling full for a longer duration.
The primary purpose of this diet is weight loss. Other than this, it can also help to lower inflammation, improve your mental focus, and increase your energy and vitality. You would be able to see these benefits in a shorter duration if you combine this diet with CanXida supplements.
CanXida supplements are formulated with an aim to help enhance the functions of your immune system and enrich your gut microbiota. These benefits of CanXida supplements would provide similar results such as better digestion, stronger immunity, and reduced inflammation. It would improve the availability of nutrients to your body thus increasing your energy and vitality further. The restorative effect of CanXida supplements on your immunity would lower inflammation in the body, and thus, help you burn fat more easily.
Thus, incorporating the use of CanXida supplements into your special diet plan would help you get faster and better results.
Yes, you may take CanXida supplements while on a Blood Type Diet depending on the specific results you are looking to achieve. Blood Type Diet is a special diet that is specifically tailored for you depending on your blood group. For example, if your blood group is A, you would need to increase your intake of vegetables, fruits, beans, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds while those with blood group B are usually advised to consume the same set of foods in addition to meat, poultry, eggs, fish, and dairy.
However, it is important to note that you must follow this diet only after consulting your physician as the body's requirement for specific foods and nutrients does not depend only on the blood group. Several other factors including your genetics, your existing health issues, and the nature of your physical activities need to be considered while determining the best dietary choices suitable for you.
Hence, if you are following a Blood Type Diet, there is a high chance that you would miss out on some nutrients that your body needs. If you want to follow a Blood Type Diet, it is best to ensure you do not develop the deficiency of any vital nutrients. The use of CanXida supplements could be highly beneficial in this regard. These supplements would fulfill your body's nutritional requirements and minimize your risk of deficiencies by providing a wide range of essential minerals, vitamins, probiotics, antioxidants, and other nutrients needed to maintain good health.
Yes, you can definitely take CanXida supplements when you are on a low-carb diet. In fact, a low-carb diet and the use of CanXida supplements go hand in hand as both of these can complement the benefits of each other.
The use of CanXida supplements is specifically recommended for reducing the fungal overload in your body. These supplements are formulated to improve the body's ability to fight fungal infections such as candidiasis as well as other infective conditions caused due to bacteria, viruses, and parasites.
An increase in the blood sugar level and uncontrolled diabetes are the common factors that can contribute to repeated infections, especially candida. Moreover, eating foods having refined sugars or a high amount of carbohydrates can actually contribute to the growth of fungi and bacteria thus making your symptoms of infection worse. Refined sugars can also cause your infection to persist for longer by contributing to inflammation and reducing your body's ability to clear the microbial overload completely. A low-carb diet, being devoid of harmful refined sugar, can inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi and reduce your risk of infections.
This basically shows that both CanXida supplements and a low-carb diet serve similar purposes. This also points to the need to reduce your intake of carbohydrates or follow a low-carb diet, preferably in combination with CanXida supplements, so that you can derive the expected results in a shorter duration.
Yes, you can use CanXida supplements when you are trying intermittent fasting or any form of this diet including the 5:2 diet, 16:8 diet, 20:4 diet, and so on. Intermittent fasting, as the name suggests, is a form of a special diet, which involves fasting or avoiding the intake of food on an intermittent basis.
It is a special diet in which you have to restrict how much or when you eat food in the given period of time. It specifically involves eating food only during specific hours of the day or week. The 5:2 diet, for example, is a form of intermittent fasting in which you need to follow a low-calorie diet for 5 days a week while doing complete fasting for the remaining 2 days of the week. The 2 days of fasting can be continuous or have a gap of one or more days between them.
Intermittent fasting has been found to offer numerous health benefits including faster weight loss, better diabetes control, reduced inflammation, and lower cholesterol levels. The use of CanXida supplements would improve the benefits you can achieve by following intermittent fasting by promoting weight loss, reducing inflammation, and improving your blood sugar and cholesterol levels by working side-by- side in their own unique ways.
Yes, it is good to use CanXida supplements if you are following the Whole30 Diet. The Whole30 diet is an extremely strict 30-day elimination diet plan that people usually turn to for weight loss or to help with their digestive concerns. This diet plan encourages you to avoid the intake of sugar, alcohol, grains, dairy, legumes, and additives for 30 days. It is touted as a total lifestyle change, instead of a simple diet.
Since you will need to avoid grains, legumes, and dairy while on this diet, it might make you vulnerable to developing constipation and even bloating. While this diet would help you restore healthy digestion by the end of the 30-day period, these side effects occurring during the initial phase of this diet could be a major put-off. These are some reasons why the use of CanXida supplements is considered beneficial for people who plan to follow the Whole30 Diet.
CanXida supplements would help you avoid constipation, bloating, and other digestive issues that can occur due to the absence of dairy, fiber-rich whole grains, and legumes in your diet, and thus, allow you to stick to this healthy diet plan until the end of the recommended period.
Yes, you can take CanXida supplements when on a ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet, more popularly called the keto diet, was initially recommended for the treatment of epilepsy in children, It was later discovered to possess immense potential in promoting weight loss.
A keto diet is low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as omega-3 fatty acids. A keto diet also contains a moderate amount of proteins to ensure your body is not deprived of the essential nutrients it needs to support the growth and repair processes.
The goal of a ketogenic diet is to modify certain metabolic pathways by switching the body’s source of energy from carbohydrates to fats by producing ketones released during fat metabolism. It basically works by stimulating the body to break down the fats stored in your body. Thus, a low-carb keto diet mobilizes the stubborn fat deposits and helps you lose weight.
A ketogenic diet, by boosting the breakdown and metabolism of stored fats, also offers several other health benefits such as diabetes control, reduced cholesterol levels, and reduced risk of cancer.
However, a keto diet may also cause a few side effects such as severe weakness, fatigue, reduced memory and focus, and energy levels, especially during the initial few weeks of following this approach. The use of CanXida supplements in combination with the keto diet would help to increase the nutritional supply to your body, and thus, allow you to avoid some of these side effects of a keto diet. This will help you to stick to your diet plan for a longer duration without the need to switch back to your unhealthy eating habits thereby increasing your chances of deriving successful outcomes.
Yes, the use of CanXida supplements is especially recommended for people who are planning to start or are already following a Raw Food Diet. The raw food diet, sometimes called raw veganism or raw foodism, is basically composed of completely or mostly raw or unprocessed foods.
People on a raw food diet can derive several benefits such as having higher energy, clearer skin, sustained weight loss, and a reduction in their cholesterol and triglyceride levels. However, this diet also has some disadvantages due to the exclusion of cooking these foods. It is very important to understand that cooking is essential for making some foods safer to eat. Cooking can help to kill the germs in the foods making them safer for us to consume.
Eating only raw foods can put you at a higher risk of infections due to the exposure to bacteria, parasites, viruses, and fungi that may enter your body through uncooked foods. This marks the need to ensure your immune system is strong enough to handle these microbes.
The use of CanXida supplements could be beneficial in these cases. These supplements are formulated to improve the body's disease-fighting potential by enhancing the gut flora and the response of the immune system against bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. Incorporating the use of CanXida supplements in your raw food diet plan can be an effective strategy you can choose to derive the benefits of this diet while protecting yourself against the risk of infections.
Yes, you can take CanXida RBD/RMV & Vitamin C3K while you are on a vegetarian diet that basically involves avoiding foods derived from animal sources. It is important to remember that, when you follow a vegetarian diet, you are likely to develop a deficiency of several nutrients which are primarily obtained from animal-based foods. These nutrients include omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, and proteins. People who follow a vegetarian diet often develop a deficiency of proteins because of the exclusion of meat from their diet. The deficiency of proteins can not just hamper the growth and development of healthy tissues in the body but also delay the repair and healing mechanisms.
This marks the need to use CanXida supplements when you are on a vegetarian diet so that you can protect yourself against the signs of deficiencies.
Yes, you may use CanXida supplements when you are on Weight Watchers Diet. CanXida supplements would definitely complement the results you can achieve through your Weight Watchers Diet by promoting the mechanisms involved in the fat-burning processes.
These supplements are formulated to support the process of digestion and speed up the body's metabolism. These supplements work by improving the gut flora and enhancing the functions of the immune system. These benefits of CanXida supplements would reduce inflammation in the tissues of your body. This would, in turn, help to increase the fat-burning rate, which is usually slowed down in obese patients as a result of the accumulation of excess fat around the organs.
The deposition of fat around the belly region is a common reason that prevents overweight people from losing weight. The deposition of fat can trigger inflammation, which can make the body more resistant to the fat-burning mechanisms.
CanXida supplements, by enhancing your immune system functions and improving your gut flora, would help to lower inflammation in your body thereby making the tissues more responsive to the fat-burning mechanisms. This will help you see the fat loss results in a shorter duration and make your weight loss journey easier. Continuing the use of CanXida supplements even after you have achieved your weight loss goals would help you maintain a healthy weight thereafter.
Yes, you may use CanXida supplements while on a paleo diet to improve your body's nutritional status and get better results in a shorter duration. A paleo diet is rich in essential nutrients that can support the body’s functions and boost the efficiency of the vital organs thereby improving the overall health of a person and reducing the risk of several acute and chronic diseases.
A healthy paleo diet consists of lean proteins, plenty of fruits and vegetables, seafood, nuts, and healthy fats. It is devoid of processed foods, dairy products, grains, legumes, starches, and alcohol.
The lean proteins strengthen the muscles and promote the health and longevity of the bones. They are also needed for the optimal functioning of the immune system. Proteins also make you feel full between meals.
Fruits and vegetables that form an integral part of the paleo diet have a rich content of natural antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients, all of which help reduce the risk of degenerative disorders including diabetes, cancer, and neurological decline.
In short, a paleo diet contains all forms of foods that are essential for the healthy functioning of the body. These foods (meats, fresh fruits, vegetables, and seafood) contain a high amount of essential nutrients including soluble fiber, antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, low-glycemic carbohydrates, and monounsaturated fats. These nutrients can play a key role in promoting good health.
A paleo diet is also low in foods that contain refined sugars, salt, high-glycemic carbs, trans fats, and processed foods, which are known to cause weight gain, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and other chronic health problems. Hence, if you are looking to improve your overall health and restore the optimum functioning of your body through a paleo diet, including the CanXida supplements in your regimen would definitely serve the purpose of speeding up the results.
Yes, you can use CanXida supplements if you are following a Mediterranean diet. This special diet includes plenty of healthy foods such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, seafood, beans, and nuts.
In general, if you are following a Mediterranean Diet, you will eat:
In addition, this diet also recommends the intake of a moderate amount of fish rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
The Mediterranean diet is devoid of processed red meats, refined grains, heavily processed foods, alcohol, butter, and processed hydrogenated or refined oils. This suggests that a Mediterranean diet can motivate you to include healthy foods in your diet while protecting you against the impact of unhealthy fats, refined sugars, harmful chemical additives, and other ingredients that are commonly added to packaged food.
This diet, when properly followed, can protect you against several health issues by reducing toxic overload and inflammation. If you suffer from any illness, which is linked to chronic inflammation or if you want to cleanse your body to reduce the accumulation of toxins and harmful germs in your body, you can definitely include CanXida supplements in your diet. The regular use of these supplements in combination with the Mediterranean diet would definitely promote the elimination of toxins and infectious organisms from your body while also cleansing your blood. This combination will also lower inflammation and restore the healthy functions of the vital organs.
Yes, it is safe to use CanXida supplements when you are on a Flexitarian Diet. In fact, it is advisable to include CanXida supplements in your Flexitarian Diet plan to avoid the deficiency of some nutrients.
Flexitarian Diet is a unique style of eating, which encourages the consumption of mostly plant-based foods. But, the Flexitarian Diet is more flexible than a fully vegan or vegetarian diet as it also incorporates eggs and dairy in smaller portions thereby reducing your risk of deficiencies of nutrients that we can derive mainly from animal-based products. Also, unlike a vegan diet, Flexitarian Diet does allow the intake of meat and other animal-based foods, although in moderation.
However, when you start a flexitarian diet, you will still be vulnerable to developing a few health issues due to the deficiency of proteins, healthy fats, and a few other nutrients as this diet limits your intake of meat, eggs, and other animal-based products. Your risk of nutritional deficiency depends on the kind of foods you eliminate from your diet and how efficiently you are able to replace the missing nutrients by choosing the right plant-based foods or supplements.
This is where using CanXida supplements could be beneficial. These supplements, by providing you with a broad range of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthy fats, and other nutrients, would ensure you are protected against the health issues linked to the deficiencies.
Yes, you can take CanXida supplements when you are following a DASH diet. Your supplements would not interfere with the benefits you are looking to achieve through this diet plan.
The DASH diet recommends eating meals rich in vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole grains. It also includes low-fat or fat-free dairy products, poultry, beans, fish, and nuts. It recommends limiting your intake of red meats, sugary beverages, and sweets.
So, overall, it is a healthy diet aimed at lowering inflammation in your body and preventing weight gain. It would also increase your intake of fiber by including whole grains and fruits in your meals.
These benefits would be great for those who are struggling with the signs of weak digestion such as bloating and constipation. It is safe to use CanXida supplements in combination with the DASH diet due to the similar benefits they can offer. CanXida supplements would enhance the benefits of a DASH diet by improving digestion, thanks to the rich content of diverse strains of probiotics and digestive enzymes they contain.
The Atkins Diet is one of the most popular low carb eating plans. This diet was developed by Robert C. Atkins, a heart specialist (cardiologist) in the 1960s. A low-carb diet like the Atkins diet could be effective for improving heart functions and encouraging faster weight loss. It may also help you lose belly fat, and thus, reduce your risk of heart disease.
An Atkins diet recommends the intake of the following foods:
If you are following this diet for weight loss, you can definitely include CanXida supplements in your regimen so that you can derive the expected results. These supplements would complement the benefits of your special diet and help you derive better results in a shorter direction.
Also, following a low-fat, low-carb Atkins diet will also help to lower your risk of candida infection and help to clear the fungal and bacterial overload in your body when you follow this diet plan in combination with the use of CanXida supplements.
Yes, you can use CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD when you are on an alkaline diet, especially if your purpose is to cleanse your body and clear the fungal infections completely. We do not recommend the use of CanXida C-3K Plus when you are on the alkaline diet because the alkaline nature of vitamin C might interfere with the results you can get with your diet. You may start using this supplement after your alkaline diet plan is over in order to replenish the nutrients. You can continue using CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD before, during, and after this diet to promote the elimination of toxins and germs and support the body’s natural healing mechanisms after the process of cleansing.
Yes, the use of CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD is specifically recommended for people who are trying a fast metabolism diet because these supplements might help to complement the results you are looking to achieve through this special diet. The fast metabolism diet is aimed at stimulating the fat-burning rate of the body so that you can lose weight easily. It is also aimed at improving your metabolism and promoting the processes involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD will help to improve these mechanisms by supporting the digestive functions of your body, and thus, play a key role in improving metabolism.
It's important to start your Candida treatment plan with realistic expectations.
Some people can find permanent relief from their Candida symptoms within a few weeks or months. Others might take 6 months or more, and may need to eliminate white carbs, sugary foods and alcohol permanently to prevent the overgrowth from returning.
The length of treatment is affected by the severity of your Candida overgrowth, how strict you are with diet, how well you take probiotics and antifungals, and changing lifestyle habits can have a positive outcome in treatment.
Diet alone will not work to fully eradicate candida overgrowth. You have to also take the antimicrobials.
A gut healing diet should exclude processed foods, gluten, diary, starches, sugar and some high sugar fruits. The rest will depend on you. You may experience a die-off reaction when doing the treatment. This is fairly common and occurs as yeast die and start releasing toxins and overworking your liver.
Your symptoms may worsen or you may feel flu-like, tired, bloated, brain foggy, irritable. Candida die-off is more often than not a sign of successful treatment of candidiasis, but most people aren’t aware of this fact. This often leads to confusion and anxiety as people expect symptom improvement and to feel better during treatment but instead they end up feeling worse, which may result in abandoning treatment prematurely.
The sudden development or worsening of symptoms can be alarming, but the reaction is temporary and harmless and will usually run its course and resolve without causing further complications. When candida yeast cells die, they release around 79 harmful toxins including acetaldehyde, ethanol and uric acid. This flood of endotoxins causes the kidneys and liver to work overtime to try and remove them, and intensifies the symptoms experienced by the sufferer.
For this reason it's recommended to start on a low dose of antifungal medications and probiotics and then slowly increase it over time. You can support your liver with molybdenum, or milk thistle, drink a lot of water and eat plenty of fiber rich foods to help the kidneys and colon flush out toxins. It's essential to take probiotic therapy like RST for several months to expose your gut with different strains of beneficial bacteria.
Yes, if you plan to go for a fertility diet, you may start using CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD about one month before you start with your special diet plan. The fertility diet, as the name suggests, is aimed at improving the reproductive functions of your body, primarily by restoring a healthy balance of reproductive hormones such as estrogen and progesterone in women and testosterone in men.
CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD will help you get better results with your fertility diet plan by cleansing your body through the elimination of harmful fungi, bacteria, and parasites as well as chemical toxins. These microorganisms and toxins accumulated in the body can often interfere with the functions of the reproductive organs causing hormonal imbalances. This can reduce your fertility and even lower the chances of conception in women.
CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD would be helpful for regulating your immunity. This effect of the supplements will create a favorable effect on the functions of the endocrine glands involved in the production and release of reproductive hormones as well as their precursors thereby allowing you to get better results.
Yes, definitely. In fact, it is highly recommended to use CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD before during, and after your anti-inflammatory diet. These supplements have been formulated to enhance the body's own disease-fighting mechanisms by regulating the immune system responses and lowering inflammation and oxidative stress in healthy tissues.
These supplements can also promote the natural detoxification processes and help to eliminate harmful toxins and microorganisms from the body. These benefits of CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD could be helpful for cleansing your body systems thereby lowering inflammation at the cellular level.
You may also use CanXida C-3K Plus during your anti-inflammatory diet so that you receive all the essential nutrients needed to fight inflammatory damage and promote healing in the affected tissues. It is advisable to continue using CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD after your anti-inflammatory diet plan so that you can sustain the results.
Yes, it is good to use CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD when you are on the engine diet mainly because it is commonly associated with nutritional deficiencies, especially when you follow the same diet for a very long duration.
The purpose of this diet is to promote weight loss by eating unlimited fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, and small amounts of tofu, Tempe, nuts, butter, smoothies, and other plant-based foods. Since this diet eliminates most animal products from your meals, it can put you at risk of deficiency of proteins, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, and several other nutrients. The use of CanXida supplements, preferably in combination with CanXida C-3K Plus, would help to replenish the nutrients needed by your body while also promoting the natural detoxification process. CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD would also improve the absorption of nutrients from the foods you eat thereby allowing you to keep up with your nutritional demands.
Yes, the use of CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD would be safe for you when you are following the Hormone Diet. It will help you get better results by eliminating infections that can interfere with the functions of your reproductive organs and endocrine glands. These benefits of CanXida supplements would allow you to get better results with your hormone diet.
The elimination of infectious organisms and toxins from your body will improve the efficiency of the endocrine glands and reproductive organs, allowing you to get better results in a shorter duration. With regular use, CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD would help you derive sustained results. You may follow the hormone diet on an intermittent basis while continuing the use of CanXida supplements to be able to derive long-lasting results.
There is not much known about how the HCG diet can interfere with the effects of most nutritional and digestive supplements. Also, there is no sufficient data available about the safety and effectiveness of the HCG diet. Also, the HCG diet is not suitable and safe for all individuals. It is best to consult your physician if you plan to follow this diet in combination with CanXida supplements.
Also, it is specifically advised to avoid using CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD while following the HCG diet as there is very little data showing the positive or negative impact of the additive effects of the hormonal changes occurring as a result of this diet, when used in combination with these supplements.
Yes, it is safe to include CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD in your mind diet plan, although it is not needed for all people. This diet basically recommends following a combination of a Mediterranean diet and a DASH diet. The MIND diet includes foods from a variety of sources including beans, poultry, fish, and nuts while limiting your intake of red meat and processed foods. In short, it includes nearly all the necessary nutrients your body needs thereby reducing the necessity for any additional supplements.
However, if you are severely deficient in any nutrients, you can consider using vitamin C supplements by CanXida in order to fill in the gaps in the nutritional supply and get better results. Also, if you suffer from a severe candida infection, you can include CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD in your MIND diet plan to support the cleansing of the body and eliminate the infection completely. The use of CanXida supplements in combination with the MIND diet will help you achieve your health goals in a shorter duration.
Yes, it is safe to use CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD when you are following the TLC diet. The TLC diet stands for Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes diet, which is aimed at modifying your eating pattern and increasing your physical activities with the purpose of weight management and reducing the risk of obesity, high cholesterol, and related conditions.
You can consider using CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD when you are following this diet, if you suspect systemic candidiasis or toxic overload as the reasons for your tendency to gain weight and why you are suffering from disrupted metabolism. CanXida supplements - by improving gut microbiome, enhancing your immunity, and supporting the process of digestion - would be able to help you achieve the purpose of the TLC diet.
However, if you are symptoms are primarily attributed to an unhealthy eating pattern or uncontrolled craving, it is best to stick to the diet program as recommended for you without the need to use any supplements.
Yes, it is best to use CanXida RST and RBD when you are on an Ornish diet so that you do not experience any signs of deficiency, which are common in people who follow this diet for a long duration. The Ornish diet is basically a form of a vegetarian diet that is extremely low in fats, animal proteins, and refined sugars. Although this diet does not restrict your intake of calories, unless you are trying to lose weight, it does eliminate fish, poultry, and meat from your meals. As a result, you are likely to develop a deficiency of several nutrients, especially proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals like calcium, which are derived from animal sources.
This is why; it is advisable to include the use of CanXida RST and RBD together with CanXida C-3K Plus in your Ornish diet plan. CanXida RST and RBD will provide a rich source of probiotics and digestive enzymes to your body thus improving the absorption of nutrients from your foods while vitamin C supplements would provide additional nutrients thus reducing your risk of deficiencies.
Yes, you may use CanXida supplements if you are planning to follow a Mayo Clinic diet. However, it is not always necessary to include any supplements in your diet plan, unless you are suffering from severe conditions linked to weak immunity or poor gut microbiome. The Mayo Clinic diet is aimed at making multiple healthy changes in your eating habits thereby enhancing your body's metabolic functions including fat burning. It can help lower inflammation in your body and reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Hence, the Mayo Clinic diet is considered a comprehensive nutritional approach that does not require you to use any additional supplements.
However, if you suffer from a severe deficiency of nutrients and want to get better results, you can consider adding vitamin C supplements by CanXida to your Mayo Clinic Diet plan.
The use of CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD should be preferably made when you are struggling with severe candidiasis. These supplements would support the elimination of fungal overload in your body and help you get better results by restoring healthy bodily functions.
Yes, it is safe to use CanXida supplements when you are on the GAPS diet. As this diet is aimed at managing the conditions which affect the brain such as dyslexia and autism, the use of CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD would be beneficial for getting better results. These supplements have the ability to restore the balance of hormones in the digestive system as well as the brain.
The use of CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD may be continued even after your GAPS diet plan is over in order to maintain a healthy balance of hormones in your nervous system. This is expected to help keep your symptoms of dyslexia and autism under control in a more efficient manner. In addition, you can use CanXida vitamin C supplements. The comprehensive nutritional support offered by these supplements would improve your nerve functions while reducing inflammation in the brain, thus allowing you to enjoy long-lasting results.
Yes, you may use CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD if you are planning to follow the specific carbohydrate diet, especially if you are already suffering from moderate to severe candidiasis, which requires you to eliminate certain forms of carbohydrates from your meals. CanXida RMV would be helpful for eliminating the fungal overload from your body while CanXida RST and RBD would be beneficial for restoring the healthy gut microbiota and immune system functions. These benefits associated with CanXida supplements will enhance the results you can achieve through your specific carbohydrate diet while providing other benefits such as faster weight loss lower inflammation, and stronger immunity.
Yes, it is advisable to use CanXida supplements when you are following the body reset diet in order to meet the increased demands of the body for some specific nutrients. You can continue using CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD in combination with C-3K Plus even after you have achieved the desired results with this special diet plan in order to sustain the improvement in your bodily functions.
Yes, CanXida supplements especially, C-3K Plus, can be used in combination with the Abs diet in order to get faster results. The Abs diet can increase the demands of your body of certain vitamins and minerals, which can be met by using nutritionally rich supplements such as C-3K Plus.
Also, in case you are unable to see any results with your dietary efforts, you can start using CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD in order to eliminate the toxic overload in your body. Remember that the accumulation of toxins can trigger inflammation at the cellular level due to which your dietary and exercise efforts may not yield the desired results. The use of CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD would help to support the elimination of toxins and harmful microorganisms from your body, and thus, support faster improvement in your health.
Yes, it is good to use CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD during all 4 phases of the Dukan diet so that you can avoid the common side effects that you are likely to experience such as extreme weakness and low energy levels. You can also use CanXida vitamin C supplements while you are following this diet so that you do not experience the deficiency of any nutrients occurring as a result of the restricted intake of certain foods, especially during the initial phase of this program.
CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD will be helpful for you in achieving faster weight loss through this special diet by improving your gut microbiota and lowering inflammation in the body, thanks to their ability to support the faster elimination of toxins and microorganisms. It will also help to stimulate the fat-burning rate thus allowing you to lose belly fat more easily.
Yes, it is advisable to use CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD when you are following a fat-flush diet in order to avoid the signs of the die-off. You are likely to experience weakness and fatigue while following this diet. The use of CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD, together with C-3K Plus, would enhance the results you can achieve through the fat-flush diet while reducing the risk of side effects.
Yes. If you are following the Grapefruit diet, you can safely use CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD, if you are already using these supplements for any other purpose such as clearing candida infection, improving your immunity, or enhancing your gut microbiota. These supplements are not known to interfere with the effect of the Grapefruit diet or cause any interactions.
However, it is not advisable to take C-3K Plus while on the grapefruit diet, as this diet is already rich in vitamin C. If you are already using vitamin C supplements, you may stop using them temporarily when you are following a grapefruit diet and restart using them after you resume your regular dietary habits.
Yes. Taking CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD is highly recommended when you are on a master cleanse diet as these supplements can complement the benefits you are looking to achieve through this special diet plan. CanXida supplements are formulated for enhancing the body's natural detoxification processes in order to cleanse your blood and restore the healthy functions of your vital organs.
The use of these supplements in combination with the master cleanse diet will promote faster results by improving the body's natural cleansing mechanisms. This will help you derive better results in a shorter duration without the risk of any side effects. You may include C-3K Plus in the plan in order to avoid fatigue, weakness, and other symptoms, which may occur due to the stimulation of the excretory functions.
Yes. The use of CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD is safe when combined with the cabbage soup diet. The cabbage soup diet is primarily aimed at supporting weight loss and promoting the excretion of harmful toxins from the body. Chronic inflammation at the cellular level is one of the most common reasons why most people are unable to lose fat, especially belly fat. CanXida supplements would help to reduce inflammation by improving your gut microbiota and regulating the functions of your immune system thereby allowing your body to mobilize stubborn fat more easily. This will increase your fat-burning rate and enhance your calorie utilization thus allowing you to lose weight easily.
Yes, it is advisable to use CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD, when you are following a baby food diet plan, as it has been found to restrict your intake of several foods due to which the supply of some essential nutrients to your body is likely to reduce. This diet is primarily aimed at decreasing your total calorie intake in an attempt to help you lose weight.
Combining the use of CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD while on the baby food diet would help you get better results by improving the absorption of nutrients from your gut. These supplements provide several probiotics and digestive enzymes, which can improve the functions of your stomach and intestine and reset your bodily functions, which have been hampered over the years due to the intake of unhealthy junk foods. If you suffer from a severe deficiency of nutrients, you may add C-3K Plus to your diet plan so that you do not develop any adverse effects.
Yes, it is safe to use CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD when you are following the lemonade diet, if you have been using these supplements for any other purpose such as systemic candidiasis, weak community, or poor gut flora. However, it is not advisable to use C-3K Plus when you are following the lemonade diet as it might disrupt the acid-base balance in your body.
Vitamin C supplements might lower the pH of your blood when used in combination with the lemonade diet. This may result in a few symptoms related to hyperacidity. Hence, it is good to avoid using vitamin C supplements while on this diet.
If you are already using CanXida C-3K Plus, you may stop using it temporarily and restart using it a few weeks after your diet plan is over. It should be noted that it is not advisable to follow the lemonade diet for a very long duration as it might lower your body's pH significantly.
Yes, it is best to use CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD in combination with the tapeworm diet so that you can see better results in a shorter duration. CanXida supplements have been formulated to protect against the wide range of infections caused due to fungi, parasites, viruses, and bacteria. Using these supplements in combination with your tapeworm diet will support the elimination of parasites as well as their eggs from your body. The supplements would also help by enhancing the functions of your immune system while also promoting the cleansing mechanisms. This would help to clear the parasitic infections completely thus protecting you against the complications linked to these conditions.
Yes, the use of CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD is highly recommended when you are following the blood sugar solution diet, especially if you plan to follow this diet for improving your hormonal balance, enhancing your body's metabolism, and reducing your risk of infections. An increase in your blood sugar level is one of the common causes of recurring fungal and bacterial infections, which can be managed more efficiently by following the blood sugar solution diet in combination with the use of safe and effective CanXida supplements.
Yes, it is safe to use CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD in combination with the warrior diet. It is important to note that during the 20-hour fasting period of this diet, you need to increase your intake of specific foods such as raw fruits, vegetables, hard-boiled eggs, and dairy products. The use of CanXida supplements together with this diet will help you achieve the purpose of consuming these foods. At the same time, this diet can restrict your intake of certain food items, which can put you at risk of nutritional deficiencies, which can be managed efficiently by including CanXida C-3K Plus in your plan.
Yes, it is safe to use the CanXida C-3K Plus together with CanXida RST and RBD before, during, and after the 17-day diet plan to protect yourself against the common side effects. This diet is extremely restrictive in nature. You can start using CanXida RST, RBD, and C-3K Plus before you plan to start this diet so that your body is nutritionally prepared to meet the challenges of the extremely lower food intake. You can continue using these supplements during the 17-day period of this diet so that you do not experience any side effects such as weakness, fatigue, low energy levels, and reduced focus, which are likely to occur due to the drastic reduction in your food intake. You can continue using vitamin C supplements after this diet plan is over to replenish the levels of nutrients in your body.
Yes, the use of CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD is safe when combined with the Clean Program Diet. The Clean Program Diet is primarily aimed at supporting weight loss and promoting the excretion of harmful toxins from the body. Chronic inflammation at the cellular level is one of the most common reasons why most people are unable to lose fat, especially belly fat. CanXida supplements would help to reduce inflammation by improving your gut microbiota and regulating the functions of your immune system. This will make it easier for your body to mobilize stubborn fat. This will increase the fat-burning rate and enhance your calorie utilization thus allowing you to lose weight easily in a much shorter duration.
Yes, it is good to take CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD while you are on the virgin diet. This diet is aimed at reducing inflammation in your body by providing you with plenty of healing nutrients and anti-inflammatory compounds. It can reclaim your health and even reset your metabolism. CanXida supplements are aimed at achieving similar health goals by working on the physiological mechanisms involved in the digestion and immune system functions.
The use of CanXida supplements in combination with a virgin diet would provide comprehensive solutions by tackling multiple causes responsible for triggering inflammation including infections, exposure to toxins, poor gut microbiota, weak immunity, and slow metabolism.
Yes, it is safe to use CanXida RST, RBD, and C-3K Plus when following the zone diet for athletes. These supplements are enriched with digestive enzymes and probiotics as well as several essential nutrients that your body will need to heal muscles, ligaments, and other tissues that tend to get overstrained and damaged during vigorous physical training performed for improving your athletic performance.
The use of these supplements on a regular basis will enhance the supply of nutrients to your body directly. These supplements will also help in an indirect manner by improving the absorption of nutrients from the foods you eat. So, the use of these supplements in combination with your zone diet will improve your stamina and endurance thereby creating a favorable impact on your athletic performance during practice and while on the field. It will also speed up your recovery in the case of injuries and reduce downtime.
Yes, you can definitely use CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD when you are following the nutritarian diet so that you can get better results. This diet is aimed at reducing your risk of conditions linked to the deficiency of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthy fats, and other compounds. The use of CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD as well as C-3K Plus in combination with this special diet plan will enhance the supply of nutrients to your body thereby allowing you to achieve your health goals in a shorter duration.
Yes, it is good to use CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD when you are following the Pritikin diet, which is primarily aimed at increasing your intake of fresh wholesome foods in order to improve your general health and support weight loss. These benefits of the Pritikin diet can be aptly supported by CanXida supplements, which are formulated to promote the body's natural cleansing mechanisms. The use of these supplements will enhance the processes involved in the elimination of harmful toxins from your body thereby restoring health while also increasing the fat-burning rate through their ability to lower inflammation and improve the gut microbiota.
Yes, CanXida supplements will help relieve abnormal discharge from the vagina. These supplements work by producing a natural antifungal, antibacterial, and antiparasitic effect. Moreover, these supplements can also promote the natural detoxification processes of the body. This would help to reduce the fungal and bacterial overload in your body while eliminating harmful toxins that tend to accumulate in healthy tissues and cause damage.
Regular use of CanXida RMV in combination with RST and RBD would help reduce abnormal discharge by clearing infections, supporting immune system functions, and cleansing your blood.
Sometimes, some supplements take time to act while some supplements tend to produce side effects before you can see the results. If you are using the supplements for a few weeks and if the side effects are not very severe, you may continue using them for some more time to see if it can help.
However, if the side effects are severe, then it is best to stop using them. Please check the instructions provided with the supplements to know if you can stop using them immediately or if you need to taper the dose gradually. This is very important because some supplements can cause a severe reaction if they are stopped abruptly.
Also, there is a possibility that the side effects are not directly related to your supplements. You might be having these side effects due to the change in your diet. You can reduce your intake of fatty and fried foods and avoid eating spicy foods and see if your symptoms improve. The symptoms can also be due to gastritis, hyperacidity, or H. pylori infection in the stomach. You can increase your intake of water to neutralize the excess acid produced in the stomach. Also, try to sleep with the head side of your bed slightly elevated to avoid the regurgitation of stomach acid into your esophagus. This will help you avoid stomach pain and burning.
Follow the strategies to know whether the side effects or the lack of results are due to the supplements or the gaps in the treatment and care you are taking for managing your condition.
Yes, CanXida RMV, RBD, and RST can be effective in reducing itching, burning, and discomfort caused due to skin infections. CanXida RMV is effective against all common species of Candida including Candida albicans, Candida krusei, and Candida tropicalis, in addition to more than 150 other yeasts like Aspergillus, Trichsporon, and Rhodotorula. At the same time, it can also help to eliminate more than 800 species of bad bacteria including E. coli, entamoeba histolytica, staph aureus giardia, and trichomonas vaginalis, along with a wide spectrum of parasite invaders*.
This means CanXida RMV can provide you with comprehensive support for managing yeast infections. By tackling bacterial and parasitic infections simultaneously, this supplement will help you get better results in a shorter duration.
CanXida RBD and RST can offer a great combination of digestive enzymes and probiotics, which will help eliminate the fungal overload from your body and reduce itching, burning, and other symptoms. These supplements work by supporting the functions of the immune system by contributing to the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut.
If you suffer from recurrent yeast infections, it is good to use these supplements on a regular basis. This will help you maintain a healthy gut microbiome and support the body's disease-fighting mechanisms thereby reducing your risk of recurrent fungal infections. These supplements will relieve burning, discomfort, and itching caused due to infections while also relieving other signs such as oral thrush, white patches on the affected area, white discharge or leucorrhoea in women, and urinary infections.
Yes, natural antifungal products can help to restore balance and promote overall gut health. Candida yeast overgrowth can disrupt the balance of the gut microbiome. This is specifically seen in patients who suffer from recurrent fungal infections or those who have systemic candidiasis, which affects multiple organs or parts of the body causing widespread symptoms.
The disruption in the balance of the gut microbiome can also contribute to other health issues by affecting the process of digestion. The use of natural antifungal products like CanXida RMV, RST, and RBD could be beneficial in these cases for preserving a healthy gut microbiome.
These supplements work by supporting the functions of the immune system by contributing to the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. CanXida RST contains 7 enzymes, 18 billion CFU, and 6 probiotic strains. These enzymes are aimed at supporting the body’s needs for fighting candida yeast overgrowth, while also reducing the risk of other digestive complaints like bloating, indigestion, and constipation.
CanXida RBD offers a synergistic formula containing a combination of 32 vitamins, minerals, and trace elements – in addition to 9 antimicrobial herbs. It also contains several other compounds having natural medicinal properties like butane hydrochloride, citrus bioflavonoids (antioxidants), glutamic acid, and biotin. The antimicrobial herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other compounds in this formula would help to eliminate harmful bacteria in your gut thus leaving behind a rich population of diverse strains of healthy bacteria.
These benefits associated with the use of CanXida RMV, RBD, and RST would help to improve your gut microbiome, and thus, restore healthy digestion and immunity.
CanXida RMV, RST and RBD are free of additives and fillers.
Yes, antifungal natural products can help to alleviate these symptoms and improve overall digestion. Candida yeast overgrowth can cause digestive symptoms such as bloating, gas, and constipation. Additionally, recurring candida yeast infections caused due to weak immunity can make the process of digestion weak, resulting in the loss of nutrients from the food you eat, instead of getting absorbed into the blood circulation.
These effects of a chronic or persistent candida infection can lower your body's overall nutritional status thereby hampering the normal physiological processes involved in digestion and metabolism. This means the longer the duration of your infection or higher the frequency of recurrence, the more likely it would be for you to develop gas, bloating, and other signs of indigestion.
CanXida supplements offer a safe and effective way to eliminate candida yeast fungi thereby restoring healthy digestion. CanXida RMV is effective against all common species of Candida including Candida albicans, Candida krusei, and Candida tropicalis, in addition to more than 150 other yeasts like Aspergillus, Trichsporon, and Rhodotorula*. At the same time, It can also help to eliminate more than 800 different species of bad bacteria including E. coli, entamoeba histolytica, staph aureus giardia, and trichomonas vaginalis along with a wide spectrum of parasite invaders*.
This means CanXida RMV can provide you with comprehensive support for managing yeast infections.
CanXida RST contains 7 enzymes, 18 billion CFU, and 6 probiotic strains. These enzymes are aimed at supporting the body’s needs for fighting candida yeast overgrowth, while also reducing the risk of digestive complaints like bloating and indigestion. CanXida RBD offers a synergistic formula containing a combination of 32 vitamins, minerals, and trace elements – in addition to 9 antimicrobial herbs. It also contains several other compounds having natural medicinal properties like butane hydrochloride, citrus bioflavonoids (antioxidants), glutamic acid, and biotin.
The antimicrobial herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other compounds in this formula would help to eliminate harmful bacteria in your gut thus leaving behind a rich population of diverse strains of healthy bacteria.
These benefits associated with CanXida supplements will surely support the processes involved in the breakdown, absorption, and elimination of nutrients from foods while promoting healthy bowel movements. This will protect you against the symptoms of indigestion including bloating, gas, and constipation.
It is not uncommon for people to experience a plateau after a few days of using any supplement. This may occur when your body is taking time to adjust to the cleansing process.
Exposure to some irritants or any substance you are severely allergic or sensitive to while using CanXida supplements can be another reason why the results may slow down. These factors can cause your body to react to the substance causing inflammation and other symptoms thus preventing your supplements from showing expected benefits.
This possibility can be ruled out by taking steps to identify any possible allergies. It can be a food item, any new soap or detergent you were using, exposure to paint, or anything else you might have come in contact with.
Sometimes, mental stress and physical exertion can also be the reasons why the results have slowed down.
If you notice your supplements have stopped working after a few weeks, you can look into these possibilities and take appropriate action to start seeing the results again. In case, you are not able to detect the exact cause, you may stop using your supplements for a while, and then, restart using them after 2 or 3 weeks to kickstart the cleansing processes once again. You can also consider increasing the dose if you are using a lower dose of the supplements. You can increase the dose gradually to reach an optimum dosage to derive the best results as well as sustain the results.
Yes, antifungal natural products can help to improve skin health by reducing inflammation and fighting off yeast. Candida yeast overgrowth can cause skin issues such as rashes, eczema, and acne. These conditions can occur due to a variety of reasons.
Candida yeast overgrowth can make the skin weaker due to which the ability of this primary defense mechanism of the body to fight infectious organisms can reduce. Additionally, systemic candidiasis can cause disruptions in the functions of the immune system. As a result, you may develop skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis. These conditions occur due to the faulty response of the immune cells against the healthy cells as a result of their inability to recognize them as the body’s own tissues. This form of a misdirected response of the immune system can cause immense damage to the skin over a period of time.
Acne is also a common issue in men and women who suffer from candida yeast overgrowth. Acne eruptions can occur when the yeast infection causes damage to the sebaceous glands present in the skin. The primary function of these glands is to create an oily secretion called sebum. The damage to the sebaceous glands can disrupt this process due to which you may develop acne eruptions. This may also cause excessive dryness and scaling of the skin, which, if not managed properly in a timely manner, could cause you to develop the signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines at a much earlier age.
The use of CanXida RMV, RBD, and RST can help to preserve the healthy functions of the sebaceous glands and enhance the defense functions of your skin cells by clearing the yeast infection completely in a shorter duration.
No, antifungal natural products like CanXida RMV does not affect menstrual cycles or cause any irregularities. It is common for women to have concerns about how the supplements they use would affect their menstrual cycles. They fear that the supplements might cause hormonal imbalances due to which they might experience too heavy or too light flow, irregular menses, or painful menses.
You do not have to worry about these side effects while using CanXida supplements. On the contrary, you can expect to see an improvement in your menstrual cycles when you use them on a regular basis.
These supplements will help to promote the regularity of your menstrual cycles by helping to balance the levels of reproductive hormones such as estrogen and progesterone and promoting your overall well-being.
It should be noted that candida yeast overgrowth can affect the hormonal balance and cause abnormal periods, as well as other menstrual issues. The favorable effect of digestive enzymes and probiotics in CanXida supplements on the body's gut microbiota and immune system can help to restore the balance of estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones in the body thereby regularizing your menses.
Yes, CanXida RMV can help with brain fog and fatigue caused by yeast infections. These symptoms are common in patients who have systemic candidiasis that affects multiple organs and tissues resulting in widespread damage. The poor gut microbiome associated with these infections can also reduce the absorption of nutrients in your gut due to which the function of the brain can be affected.
CanXida RMV can help to relieve these symptoms. If the symptoms are severe, it is good to use CanXida RMV in combination with RST and RBD to get better results. These supplements contain a good combination of nutrients including vitamins, minerals, probiotics, natural herbs, and antioxidants, which can support the functions of all the vital organs, including the brain and nerves, thus relieving brain fog and fatigue.
With regular use, you may also notice an improvement in your cognitive functions such as memory, attention span, and focus.
Natural antifungal products such as CanXida RMV can help to support the immune system, by providing it with the necessary ingredients to fight off the infections. Candida yeast overgrowth can weaken the immune system. Candida infection usually affects the skin and mucus membranes, which form the body’s primary line of defense against several microorganisms including fungi and bacteria. These infections can make the skin and mucous membranes of the affected tissues weak due to which they may fail to resist or fight off these microorganisms.
This can reduce the body's overall disease-fighting potential making you more vulnerable to suffering from recurrent fungal and bacterial infections.
The use of CanXida RMV would help in such cases by restoring the body’s ability to create a stronger immune system response and clearing the fungal infection. These supplements also help by reducing inflammation. CanXida RMV is enriched with the perfect combination of herbs and other compounds. These ingredients can help by supporting the body’s needs for fighting candida yeast overgrowth and promoting the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut.
The antimicrobial herbs, nutrients, and other medicinal compounds in CanXida RMV can play a key role in creating a strong and healthy immune system response. It is advisable to use these supplements on a regular basis to allow sufficient time for these compounds and nutrients to act on your body in order to improve your immune system functions.
Yes, CanXida RMV can help reduce vaginal itching caused by yeast infection. This supplement contains a combination of powerful herbs and other nutrients that possess natural antibacterial properties.
Grapefruit Seed Extract, Neem, Clove, and Garlic in this supplement has been shown to stop the growth of a broad range of harmful species of fungi and bacteria. Berberine in this supplement is revered as one of the most potent natural antimicrobial agents. Berberine is a natural antifungal and antibacterial agent having a broad-spectrum application. It can not just weaken candida but also work effectively against some of the most harmful bacteria known to cause serious symptoms such as E coli, entamoeba histolytica, trichomonas vaginalis, staph aureus giardia, leishmania donovani.
Pau d'arco in CanXida RMV can act as a natural detoxifier and strengthen your digestive functions while improving your body's efficiency to fight candida yeast infection by acting as an antifungal agent.
The other herbs in CanXida RMV including Biotin, Black Walnut, and Oregano Oil would provide similar results by acting in their own ways. Black Walnut can help by creating a purifying effect while Oregano Oil would help by producing strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antifungal effects thereby downplaying inflammation. This will help restore the healthy functions of the affected tissues and speed up your recovery.
Here are some studies that have provided evidence linking the use of herbs in CanXida RMV in the management of candida infection.
Clove and Garlic: These herbs have been found to be highly effective in reducing bacterial and fungal overload in the body by improving immune system response and lowering inflammation. These herbs have been shown to produce a broad-spectrum antimicrobial effect against several harmful microorganisms.
Grapefruit Seed Extract: Studies have revealed that this herb can produce a natural antibacterial and antifungal effect and also act as a powerful antioxidant. It has also shown promising results in the management of H. Pylori infection.
Pau d'arco: Pau d'arco in CanXida RMV can act as a natural detoxifier and strengthen your digestive functions while improving your body's efficiency to fight candida yeast infection by producing a natural antifungal effect. Moreover, the antifungal efficacy of this herb has been proven by numerous studies. These studies have affirmed that the use of this herb could be highly effective in the management of systemic and local fungal infections.
Berberine: Berberine has been shown to stop the growth of a broad range of harmful species of fungi and bacteria. Berberine in this supplement is revered as one of the most potent natural antimicrobial agents. It is a natural antifungal and antibacterial agent having a broad-spectrum application. It can not just weaken candida but also work effectively against some of the most harmful bacteria known to cause serious symptoms such as E coli, entamoeba histolytica, trichomonas vaginalis, staph aureus giardia, leishmania donovani.
A number of studies have provided evidence linking the use of this herbs in the effective management of candida infection. These herbs have also shown immense potential in improving immune systemic functions, enhancing gut microbiota, and improving heart health.
Neem: Neem has been added to the CanXida RMV formula to help you get better results. These herbs have been found to produce a powerful antifungal and antibacterial effect that is comparable to commonly used drugs. However, unlike antibiotics, this herb offers a higher safety as it does not cause antimicrobial resistance or any serious side effects. Also, Neem has shown immense potential in the management of infections like MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) biofilm and S. mansoni worms that are resistant to commonly used medications. It can also act as natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents thus supporting your recovery.
Oregano Oil and Black Walnut: These herbs have been shown to produce promising results in the management of fungal infections affecting the skin, oral cavity, and vagina while producing an anti-inflammatory effect. The addition of these herbs to the CanXida RMV formula would ease your recovery phase and help you avoid symptoms like itching, burning, and irritation.
Yes, you can change your order. We can either cancel the old order and issue you refund so you can place a new order or we can update your order to the package and send you a link to pay the remainder.
Chronic constipation is a very common digestive disorder, and it goes hand in hand with gut dysbiosis.
While supplements can be a reason you have problems with your bowel movements, we first need to understand what is happening in your gut and how supplements like probiotics and antimicrobials are actually helping.
Constipation can be a sign that your gut flora is changing which happens when you first start taking CanXida. This is because when you introduce probiotics and antimicrobials for the first time your body is still getting used to the increased probiotic levels in you gut. Your digestive system can slow down in breaking down the food with these new shift in your gut, leading to water retention.
It then leads to a feeling of bloating, gas or constipation. The good news is that all these symptoms are not harmful and most likely, your constipation will stay only for a short time about a week.
If you want to decrease the side effects, you can reduce the daily intake and let your body adjust slowly. Lack of fiber tends to be another reason you experience such issues after introducing CanXida.
If you start prepping you gut with a healthy diet in the initial stages, you can help decrease these side effects. If you increase the fiber in your diet, your body will have more chances to recover from constipation. Eating fiber rich foods will start feeding the good bacteria with the aid of suppplements.
CanXida cleans the gut up. It reduces inflammation in the gut. It creates harmony and balance in the digestive system. Having a healthy gut means having a quiet gut that doesn’t bring attention to itself. That means no more constant bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, IBS like symptoms & other digestive issues.
Studies show that gut health is linked to having a strong immune system, heart health, brain health, healthy sleep and more. Having a healthy gut with lots of good bacteria even lowers your chances of getting certain cancers and autoimmune diseases. People with a healthy microbiome (low levels of yeast and bad bacteria, high levels of good bacteria) also tend to be slimmer and have less weight issues. A healthy gut means healthier and clear skin, hair and nails. It means less skin problems, dry patches and issues like eczema.
It also means more energy throughout the day. Your gut will be able to absorb more nutrients and your body won’t constantly be busy fighting with yeast, bad bacteria or parasites throughout the day. It also means less food sensitives so you’ll be able to go out with friends and eat like a normal person again.
Each bottle of CanXida contains 60 tablets or capsules. This is enough for 1 to 2 months depending on which dosage you choose (see our YouTube channel or the CanXida User Guide you’ll get with your order for detailed advice on the different dosages you can take). If you’re really sick, you’ll likely go through several bottles before you’re fully recovered.
From our experience, most people with a chronic or moderate yeast infection will take at least 3 to 6 months to fully get their health back. Because remember, you didn’t get sick overnight. It took a long time for your illness to develop to the level it’s at. And it’s going to take time for your body to heal.
We know the cost of CanXida can add up over time. That’s why you can find bundles at https://www.canxida.com/packages and bulk deals on https://www.canxida.com/bulk. You can go with our 2x RMV + 2x RST (4 bottles total) “Best Value Package” for $174 and take that and see how you feel. For some folks that might be all you need as this bundle can last you up to 4 months. Others may benefit from using RBD in addition to the other 2 formulas.
If you’re totally new to candida or it’s your first time trying to fix your gut problems, go for the $99 Starter Package (1x RMV + 1x RST) or the $155 Combo CanXida Deal (1x RMV + 1x RST + 1x RBD). See how your body reacts and then decide if you want to commit to a longer term protocol where you’d go through several bottles over the course of a few months.
To answer this question in detail we’ve created a 28 page CanXida User Guide booklet. You’ll get a pdf copy plus a small physical print copy of this booklet with your order. Inside you’ll find an explanation of how and when to take each formula, what each of them does & detailed long and short term dosage instructions. You can access it early by clicking here: https://candida.yeastinfection.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/customer-files/canxida-user-guide.pdf
In general, CanXida works best when taken in combination with a healthy diet & a lifestyle that encourages health and well-being. The diet we recommend you stick to while taking CanXida is the MEVY diet which stands for Meat, Eggs, Vegetables and Yogurt. After which you can transition to a low allergy diet and then start reintroducing foods back into your diet. For lifestyle, we recommend having low-stress, getting plenty of sleep, and removing alcohol from your life during the recovery process. You can find many videos on our channel explaining which foods to eat and avoid while healing the gut as well as advice concerning lifestyle.
As long as you make the necessary dietary changes (remove sugar and processed foods, start eating whole foods, etc.), work on your lifestyle and follow the dosage advice in the CanXida User Guide, we’re confident you’ll get great results with CanXida.
We didn’t design CanXida to be taken indefinitely. We designed it so it makes you feel better so you can stop taking it. We’ve got a very specific protocol that when followed & combined with a healthy diet & a lifestyle creates long lasting changes to your gut health.
If your symptoms return at some point after being on CanXida, it usually means:
A) you didn’t stay on the program for a long enough period (we suggest at least 3 months for the majority of sick people).
B) you didn’t take RST along with RMV. RST is our probiotic formula which recolonizes your gut with the good bacteria strains that most inhibit and stop the growth of yeast, bad bacteria and parasites.
C) you reintroduced “naughty” or sugary foods or alcohol too quickly back into your diet or in too high amounts.
Or D) you didn’t do a proper maintenance or follow-up phase after cleaning the gut (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-gHRHUA5eE).
As long as you stick to the program for the correct amount of time, take the probiotic in addition to the antifungal formula, be mindful of the foods you reintroduce into your diet and go through a maintenance phase, you should ensure your symptoms don’t return.
How quickly you see results with CanXida depends on a lot of factors. In general, you should start noticing an effect within the first week. Sometimes in the first 24 hours. It depends on the integrity of your gut, on your diet and on your lifestyle. There’s no point taking CanXida if you’re going to eat a fast food burger for dinner and then sit in front of the TV until 3:00 a.m. every night. The product isn’t going to work.
If you’ve made diet changes, you’re eating good foods, getting plenty of sleep, and you’ve worked on the stress… And you understand that the totality of these things along with the supplement intake is what really makes a difference… You’re going to get much quicker results with CanXida instead of a delayed response. If a few days or a week go by after you start taking CanXida and you don’t feel any effect, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QigwPsNQNxA
You can exchange the item if you change your mind, provided the bottles are unopened and the seals are intact.
Our return policy allows for customers to return any unopened products within 60 days of purchase. We will provide you with a return label, which can be requested by visiting our return link or by contacting our customer support team for assistance. Please note that the return process may take some time as it includes the time for the package to be received and processed at our warehouse. Rest assured that we will take care of it. Additionally, we offer a free return label for your convenience.
If UPS cannot find you at your address during delivery, they will leave the package next to your door and take a photo to confirm delivery. Alternatively, they may take the package to the nearest UPS location and leave a note for you to pick it up. If you have not received your package and there is no note, please check your UPS tracking code for the delivery status. If it was supposed to be delivered and you still have not received it, it may have been delayed or dropped off at a UPS center near your location.
CanXida products are available for purchase on CanXida.com, as well as on the websites of our approved distributors in countries where we do not offer shipping.
Please check the images below.
You may begin taking CanXida immediately, but be sure to read the label and follow the recommended dosage.
Thank you for considering to share your ideas on how we can improve. Please contact us at [email protected] with the email subject "Suggestion", and our team will review and respond to your suggestion promptly.
CanXida can be effective as a supplement, but it is important to note that following a Candida-specific diet and making necessary lifestyle changes can greatly enhance its effectiveness. Without these changes, the results may be limited. It is important to understand that diet and lifestyle play a crucial role in achieving optimal health and treating Candida overgrowth.
Yes, it's possible to overdose on some dietary supplements, especially if taken in large amounts or in combination with other supplements. Symptoms of an overdose can vary depending on the supplement, but can include nausea, vomiting, headaches, and more serious side effects such as organ damage. It's important to follow the recommended dosage on the label and consult with a healthcare professional before taking any dietary supplement.
Our refund policy is 60 days, which means you can return or exchange the item (unopened bottles) within 60 days of purchase.
Yes, we issue full refund. If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to contact us.
We strive to make returns as hassle-free as possible. While restocking fees aren’t typically charged, any applicable fees would be outlined during the return process if necessary. Our goal is always to offer a straightforward return experience.
You can initiate a return or exchange by contacting us and providing us with the necessary information about your purchase.
Yes, you will be able to receive a refund. According to our return policy, if you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return the unopened item(s) within 60 days for a refund, excluding shipping and handling fees. We do not offer store credit; refunds are issued in accordance with our policy.
Yes, you can return or exchange an item that was on sale as long as it meets the criteria of our refund policy.
Return shipping costs may vary based on specific circumstances. We aim to make the return process as smooth as possible and will provide clear guidance during the return process if any shipping fees apply.
No, we can't exchange opened bottles.
Depending on the stage of the order, we hold all orders for 24 hours before they are shipped, you may be able to cancel the order before it ships. Please contact us as soon as possible if you wish to cancel an order.
We send an email notification to confirm that the refund was issued, it usually takes 7-10 business days for the refund to be processed and show on your credit card statement. You can also contact us to inquire about the status of your return or exchange.
At CanXida, we are dedicated to creating natural dietary supplements with ingredients that are both effective and proven to work. Our mission is to provide the best possible results based on our extensive experience with these ingredients. While we strive to ensure that all our products are natural, there are instances where certain ingredients may be synthetic. This is not because we prefer synthetic ingredients, but rather because some vitamins and minerals cannot be sourced naturally in a practical or consistent manner.
For example, synthetic forms like folic acid, certain types of vitamin B12, and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) are sometimes used to ensure stability, bioavailability, and effectiveness. These synthetic forms are necessary to guarantee that our supplements deliver the highest quality and efficacy to support your health.
At CanXida we recommend Genova diagnostics for stool test. Genova diagnostics provides premium stool testing services by using cutting-edge technology that provides a thorough analysis of your gut health. The test done here covers all the aspects related to the identification of yeast or bacteria. They are veterans in their fields. They have a database comprised of a large stool sample pool that keeps up the analytical methods and accuracy of tests conducted.
For more options please refer to our guide: Top 18 Places To Get Your Stool Testing Done.
During a Candida cleanse, it is important to avoid refined and processed carbohydrates such as white bread, candy, and sugary drinks. These types of carbs can feed the Candida and make it harder to restore balance to your gut microbiome. However, it is important to note that not all carbohydrates are bad. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables contain healthy carbs that can provide energy and support gut health. It is important to consult with your naturopath or healthcare professional to determine the best diet plan for you during a Candida cleanse. Further, refer to our foods to eat and foods to avoid list provided in our Candida Shopping Guide.
Unfortunately, due to high sales tax, duties, shipping fees, and long delivery times, we currently do not ship to certain countries. However, we are continuously working towards finding solutions for our customers in countries where we do not currently ship. This includes seeking out high-quality distributors who can offer our products at a reasonable price. Finding a distributor is not always easy, as they too must factor in shipping, taxes, and their own profits. However, customer satisfaction is our top priority, and we will continue to explore all options. If you are unable to place an order due to your location, please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to assist you.
Yes, you will be able to receive a refund. According to our return policy, if you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return the unopened item(s) within 60 days for a refund, excluding shipping and handling fees.
The image below shows the sizes of the tablets and capsules.
No, we do not offer same-day delivery because it depends on various factors such as the time of day and day of the week the order is placed. Our warehouse is closed on weekends and UPS picks up packages at our warehouse at 4pm MST. After they pick up the package, it goes to their sorting and distribution center, and then it gets shipped to the destination. Therefore, we are unable to offer same-day delivery.
We are a small company and unlike big companies like Amazon, our logistics and business setup does not currently allow us to offer same day shipping. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
If you are not home when the package arrives, UPS will leave it next to your door or somewhere safe and take a picture of delivery, but please be aware that we cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage that may occur under those circumstances. To ensure that your package is delivered safely, we recommend you contact us by email to reschedule your delivery.
Please note that delivery times may vary depending on your location and shipping service. For orders within the US, it typically takes 7-15 business days for delivery. Our checkout page also shows an estimated delivery date. We recommend checking the estimated delivery date and ensuring that you will be available to receive the delivery. If you have any concerns or questions about your delivery, please do not hesitate to contact us.
No, we do not offer Saturday and Sunday deliveries. This is because our warehouse is closed on weekends and packages are picked up by UPS at 4pm MST on weekdays only. If you placed an order during the week, UPS might deliver on the weekend because they offer Monday-Saturday delivery service for residential and commercial packages and Sunday delivery for residential packages. However, if you placed an order on our website on a Saturday or Sunday, it will be shipped on the following Monday.
Please note that delivery times and schedules may vary depending on the shipping service and location. We recommend checking with UPS for more information about delivery times and schedules for your specific location.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. As a small company, we are limited in our logistics and delivery options compared to larger companies.
At CanXida, we understand that starting a candida cleanse and diet can be overwhelming. That's why we've put together a variety of resources to help guide you on your journey. Some of these resources include:
In addition to the resources previously mentioned, we also have 24/7 customer support with in-house candida experts that are always available to assist you. You can reach out to us at [email protected] for any questions or concerns. We also have multiple YouTube channels with over 4000 videos that cover a wide range of topics related to candida. You can use the search function within our channel to find answers to all of your questions. With our resources, expert support and in-house Candida experts, you can be sure to get the support you need to get on the right path with your candida cleanse.
The answer to this question depends on the laws of your country. In some cases, taxes such as sales tax, VAT, and GST may be applicable and may need to be paid by the customer. In other cases, we may cover these fees.
In some countries, the threshold for taxes is very high and customers may not have to pay any taxes. But in some countries like the United Kingdom, VAT charges can be as high as 20%. Also, in some EU countries, the VAT charges are different. For example, In Germany it's 19%, France 20%, Spain 21%, Italy 22% and so on.
We recommend checking with your local authorities for more information about taxes that may apply to your purchase. Our checkout process includes an automatic calculation of taxes where applicable, but please note that in some cases, taxes may need to be paid upon delivery.
Please keep in mind that as CanXida is based in the US, we have little control over these country laws and taxes. These taxes are applied to all purchases made from outside of the country, and not just CanXida.